Air ticket prices on a date with a new rise in 2025

Airlines and industry analysts reported that air travel prices are likely to continue to rise in 2025 after the large increases that they witnessed last year.

The British Federation said that inflation reached “its highest point in about a year, driven by the high rate of inflation in food prices and air travel.”

The US Labor Statistics Office announced an increase of 7.3% in ticket prices for Europe for 2024, while the European Travel Commission and the Eurill Bass in February published a survey showing that it is likely that the number of travelers from Asia, South America and the United States to Europe will be less than last year, according to the German news agency “DPA”.

The European Travel Commission said: “The ability to bear the cost remains the largest barrier against international travel, which is the obstacle that 46% of the poll participants who are not planning a European trip,” said the European Travel Commission.

While many in Europe and other continents may search for low -cost airlines and closer holidays for the homeland, their prices also face an increase as airlines talk about the need to cover the increasing operational costs.

On February 19, Jet 2, Jet 2, indicated the high operating costs in sectors such as aircraft maintenance, airports and fuel fees. (Arabic)

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