On his feast .. These are the demands of the teacher in Lebanon

For years, we hear and have been familiar with the saying of the poet Ahmed Shawky, “Stand up for the teacher, and he will be able to reverence the teacher almost be a messenger.” The teacher represents a great value in the lives of all peoples, because of the great impact he has in the formation of awareness and human conscience.

The day of the teacher is an annual occasion that many countries celebrate, and in Lebanon this day (tomorrow, Sunday) has a special place in appreciation of the basic role played by teachers in preparing future generations. The profession of the teacher is considered an important and difficult profession. It is upon him the education and education of generations and the establishment of the student’s thought and scientific and cultural orientations, so the influence of the teacher goes beyond the first education stage to include many years of students ’life.
For his part, the economy teacher, Mohamed Haris, says that the teaching profession is full of burdens and job tasks, and stated that the teacher is currently under his administrative burdens, as well as the pressures of school classes.
Harri pointed out that “recognition of the efforts of teachers is an essential element in creating a positive educational environment, as it contributes to their motivation to continue to perform their educational mission hardly and diligently.”
He said, “There is no doubt that the education process is linked to the curricula adopted in our schools, which is supposed to be modern to keep pace with modern technology, so if the curriculum is not developed, it is a hindrance to the work of the teacher, which needs to develop our curricula on the one hand, and intensify the skill training courses to prepare our educational cadres on the other hand.”
He emphasized that the teacher has become today the miserable creature in Lebanon, so Hitler has decorated for decades for decades, the teacher with the teacher and pardoned them, and the Lebanese state does not seek or look at them. In spite of respect, the teacher’s feast comes to the professors in Lebanon this year sad, where the professor today lives his worst days.
“Without a doubt, the economic crisis affects the teacher’s psychology significantly, because the salary is not equivalent to the unprecedented collapse of the lira, the high prices and the multiplicity of bills.”
He continued by saying that “despite my love for the teaching profession, the only savior to get rid of this burden is retirement, as I found myself surrounded by the inflation of administrative tasks in parallel with my basic mission as a teacher.”
He stressed that the teacher’s feast is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements and consider ways to meet the remaining challenges, in order to enhance the teaching profession, and in a quick look, we find that they are going through very difficult circumstances due to the political and economic conditions that the country is going through.
Hariss pointed out that the circumstances in Lebanon seem difficult, as the financial crisis contributed to the deterioration of this profession at various levels. The salaries of professors are no longer attractive, and the state is no longer monitored within its budgets sufficient amounts for the ministries of education.
He said that the solutions are often far from reality unless they are supported by serious orientations from decision -makers to save the teacher’s status. In order to improve the reality of the teacher and attract competencies to the education profession, there must be some proposals that may bring the teachers back to some of their lost rights:
. Improving the physical status of teachers and giving them comfortable movement, health care and social welfare.
. Tightening job and administrative control over teachers’ practice of their roles, to verify their commitment to the ethics of the profession.
. The involvement of teachers in the seminars, televised rings and dialogues that concern society and increase awareness of the importance of the role of teachers.
. The involvement of teachers in curriculum design and construction processes, strategic planning for teaching, and allowing them to participate in solving some of the problems facing society.
. Supporting the diligent and creative teachers, conducting annual competitions that highlight their scientific production, and honoring the winners of them by various possible means.
Harri concluded by saying: In the end, the nations must rise in order to develop science and knowledge before they advance industrially, and we must salute the teacher and seek his hand and reinforce him by all means to stir his motivation for the love of his profession, for he is the one who expresses us from the world of darkness and ignorance, to the shores of science and light.
In short, it is the profession of suffering imposed by the situation of the country, but despite all the difficulties in which the teacher went through, the profession of education remains a lofty message that teachers perform in all honesty based on their conviction that it was and will remain the first civilization in building homelands and generations. The teacher’s day is not limited to celebrations only, but rather a call to the entire society to recognize the sacrifices made by the teachers in the way For future generations.

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