The rabbit’s jumps will not reach the finish line

Two do not disagree that what the government of reform and rescue will face from the obstacles and problems of years old, and its severity has increased during the devastating war that Israel launched on Lebanon, it is difficult to solve overnight, or as it is said in the sep of a button. This reality is defined by Prime Minister Nawaf Salam and the ministers also know, especially the ministers: Tariq Mitri, Ghassan Salama and Yassin Jaber, because they have previously experienced the complications in the authority that exceeded its difficulty in good intentions, and exceeds what usually draws every minister or official at the beginning of his work, and they undoubtedly look forward to what they believe that they are able to achieve what those who preceded them were unable to achieve.

It is a natural matter for the prime minister to dream with him who are enthusiastic about the completion of what has not been completed before. But the time will not be long to discover that the problems they will face and the routine and bureaucratic complexities that they will face are more far from mere aspirations, because the current reality is more complicated than what people of the undoubted determination believe.

From where will President Salam begin his treatment of accumulated crises for long years, especially since what the government of President Mikati tried to do during the period of the presidential vacuum, which was the rule of conducting business, has led in one form or another to freeze the effects of the large social explosion as much as the difficult circumstances that Lebanon was going through. However, if these circumstances did not help her a lot, the ground paved the way for any government that will come after it through the draft laws it provided to the House of Representatives, which not all political components were compatible with its legislative role in light of the presidential vacuum as a voter body?

The beginning may be for a government that has not been attached to the parliamentary confidence more than a few days more difficult than the end. The suspended files are many. They are all important and crowded to occupy the priority of the priorities in the “agendas” of the ministers through their ministries, sovereign, services, and even ordinary, as each minister has a priority that he considers more important than any other priority. But the question remains: Will the beginning be according to the theory of “turtle steps” confident and sure, or according to the theory of “the teeth of the comb”?
The answer to this question is not easy. If those with the first theory are convinced that the current government, and since its political life is short, you will not be able to open the “marvels” in a time that is not its time, and that it does not carry a magic wand, then the sufficiency of “turtle vacations” remains the best options. However, this option does not exempt the government from attaching the utmost importance to files that need decisive and fast decisions. At the forefront of these files, the Ministry of Finance may be presented in the year 2026 for its lesson and approval at the maximum speed and sending them to the General Secretariat of the House of Representatives to refer it to the Finance and Budget Committee, after the Council of Ministers approved in the yesterday’s session the budget of 2025 as prepared by the government of President Mikati, and issued it by decree, considering that the exchange mechanism on the basis of the Twentieth rule is no longer valid for this time, especially as it coincides with it. With the Minister of Finance, Yassin Jaber, insisted on not signing any treasury advance project from any reserves in the old and new budget. This process needs, in preparation, discussion and approval, to several months from now, in the event that it is delivered in the event that the 2026 budget project will be close to the cabinet table.

The rosaries of priorities and merits are repeated, which have the nature of the wheel, such as judicial formations before talking about the approval of the law of the independence of the judiciary, a file that needs alone a special workshop. In addition to the judicial file, another file is no less important, which is diplomatic formations, to military formations, restructuring the public sector, and filling the voids in administrative centers, especially in the first category. Among the files, which cannot wait a lot to approve an integrated and modern economic recovery plan, and restructuring the banking sector after the appointment of a new ruler of the Bank of Lebanon and its deputies, provided that the plan for political, financial and administrative reform remains the primary concern and perhaps the only one among many other important concerns. Without this reform, which is the first part of the government’s slogan, not rescue, and it is the second part. Reform has many concepts and interpretations, as is the matter for rescue.

This workshop needs an “army” of workers on its files. If any sane person in the prime minister would have adopted the policy of “turtle steps”, which remain better than “rabbit’s leaps” that do not reach the end line. And if the expected end is not based on steps, albeit small, such as the treatment of the traffic crisis that took place yesterday because of the heavy rains, as if Lebanon is a summer country only, this end will not be happy as most of the films “White and Black”.

Special Lebanon 24

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