An insect is spreading and threatening citizens .. The Ministry of Agriculture warns

As part of its efforts to protect forest wealth and reduce the risk of pests, the Ministry of Agriculture has warned of the spread of the sandaloeapoea wilkinsoni, which threatens forests and public health. The ministry explained that this insect possesses an annual life cycle, but climate changes, especially the lack of cold in the winter, lead to exacerbating its spread and negative impact.

The ministry indicated that the adult butterflies of this insect appear during the summer, where the mating process begins, before the female migrates for long distances in search of wild pine trees to lay eggs. After a period ranging between 30 and 45 days, the larvae hatch and start growing over four to eight months, according to climatic conditions and the height of the region. During this stage, the larvae pass by five phases, during which they begin to secrete hairs that cause severe skin and psychological sensitivities in humans and animals.

As the fall season approaches, the larvae weaves their winter nests in the most exposed to sunlight, in preparation for a new stage of spread. At the end of the winter season, specifically between mid -February and late April, the larvae leave their nests and go in the form of chains towards the ends of the forests in search of light and warmth, which increases the possibility of reaching residential areas and exposing the population to its health risks.

The ministry confirmed that this insect causes damage to the trees, as its injury leads to its nudity and weakening its longitudinal growth and production of wood, without causing its death. It also pose a direct danger to humans and animals, as it leads to the emergence of skin and respiratory sensitivities, and negatively affects pets and livestock.

Regarding the control means, the ministry stressed the need to take strict preventive measures, as it recommended mechanical control by removing nests between December and Shabat, collecting them and disposing of burning. It also stressed the importance of using biomedic control through the application of Bacillus Thurlingiensis VAR. Kurstaki during the first visual phases between the months of September and the first, while resorting to air spraying using the ULV technology (ULV) in some cases.

As for chemical control, the Ministry stressed the limitation of its use on ground spraying, with a focus on the sides of the roads and areas close to villages and population communities, such as schools and places of worship, while it was strictly prohibited to use chemical pesticides inside the forests, due to their negative impact on living organisms beneficial to the ecosystem.

At the end of its statement, the Ministry of Agriculture called on citizens to be careful when noting the spread of this insect, especially during the period of larvae from the nests, and to take the necessary preventive measures to avoid any health complications. It also confirmed its continued monitoring of the situation closely, and taking the necessary measures to limit the spread of this scourge, in order to preserve the environment and public health.

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