It is proceeded in financial and customs reforms to support the national economy

Finance Minister Yassin Jaber stressed that the ministry is continuing with great momentum in implementing the necessary reforms to improve the financial and customs system in Lebanon, noting that the government is committed to continuing to work to enhance financial transparency, improve the business environment, and increase the efficiency of revenue collection to support the national economy.

Minister Jaber’s words came during two separate meetings held with the directors of public finance and customs, where the mechanisms followed and the minister’s directives were reviewed to activate the work with necessary corrective steps.

At the meeting of the Public Finance Directorate, the meeting dealt with several basic issues such as public debt, activation of collection, and improving imports. The mechanisms of work with money companies that pay the meals from fees and others were discussed, and the minister stressed the need to take measures to improve the speed of the flow of revenues to the public treasury. In this context, Jaber called for the good preparation of the expected discussions with the International Monetary Fund next week, as progress in financial and customs reforms will be reviewed.

In the customs meeting, the possibility of adopting pre -examination procedures (PSI) was discussed to ensure that imported goods are matched to the required standards before shipping them, in addition to subsequent supervision (PCA) to verify the validity of customs statements.

Jaber stressed the importance of enhancing the exchange of information with the VAT Directorate to ensure that public revenues are collected effectively, and to enhance tax and customs compliance.

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