The first directive from Trump regarding the powers of Musk

The Politico newspaper revealed, on Thursday, that US President Donald Trump told members of his administration on Thursday that billionaire Elon Musk, who is a consultant at the Ministry of Government efficiency, is authorized to issue recommendations only and not unilateral decisions.

According to the newspaper, Trump personally summoned the cabinet, on Thursday, to present a message that: “You are responsible for your ministries, not Elon Musk.”

According to administration officials, Trump told senior members of his administration that a mask was authorized to make recommendations to the departments, but not to issue unilateral decisions on employment and politics. Musk was also in the room.

The meeting came after a series of collective separation and threats for government employees from Musk, which created a state of uncertainty on all parts of the federal government and its working power.

According to the newspaper, the president’s message represents the first important step to narrow the scope of a mask’s mandate. According to Trump’s new guidelines, the government’s efficiency Ministry and its employees must play a consultative role, but the cabinet secretaries must take final decisions regarding employees, politics and the pace of implementation.

Politico quoted an informed source as saying that Musk admitted that the Ministry of Government Efficiency had committed some mistakes, which was the message he participated earlier this week with members of Congress.

Trump confirmed that he wanted to keep good people in the government and not to expel the capable federal workers collectively, but his administration has expelled in recent weeks tens of thousands of federal workers across many agencies in a series of comprehensive separation operations.

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