Sheikh Al -Aqel called the Prime Minister and spiritual references

The Sheikh of Al -Aql received the Druze Almohad community, Sheikh Dr. Sami Abi Al -Mona, at the sect house in Beirut today, a delegation from the Baabda Al -Katabi region. The delegation conveyed the greetings of the party leader, MP Sami Al -Gemayel, to Sheikh Abi Al -Muna, reviewing the general situation in Lebanon and the region.

Sheikh Abi Al -Mona also received a delegation from the “Alawite Islamic Charitable Association in Lebanon”, headed by the head of the religious department, Sheikh Ali Assi, who presented the association’s activities and projects in Lebanon.

He also received a delegation from the “Lebanese -Palestinian Youth Meeting” headed by Ahmed Abdullah Al -Shawish, who delivered a speech in which he confirmed that “the Druze Almohads sect was and still is a symbol of Arabism, struggle and defending Arab issues, foremost of which is the just question of Palestine.” He praised the role of Sheikh Abi Al -Mona, praising his embodiment of the values ​​of the ancient sect in tolerance and unity, “as he praised the position of the leader Walid Jumblatt,” Al -Aroubi Al -Sadiq “and the march of the struggle that MP Timur Jumblatt continues.

Sheikh Abi Al -Mona also received the Director of Public Relations at the Lebanese Federation of Cake Boxing, Governance and Moe Tai, Tamer Abdel Baqi, accompanied by businessman Rabi Abi Al -Mona, where Abdel -Baqi presented sports topics related to unlicensed clubs in Mount Lebanon and ways to support the sectarian council to enhance sport among young people.

Dr. Osama Ghassan Nasrallah and his mother, Engineer, Mrs. Rana Abu Shaqra, a member of the Sectarian Council. Sheikh Abi Al -Mona held a meeting with the Director of Endowments, Eng. Nazih Zaour, who put him in the form of some endowment issues under follow -up, and received a member of the sectarian council, the economic expert d. Marwan Barakat.

In the context of communications, the Sheikh of Al -Aql made contacts with Prime Minister Nawaf Salam, the Maronite Patriarch of the Cardinal Bechara Al -Rae, the Mufti of the Lebanese Republic Sheikh Abdul Latif Drian, and the deputy head of the Supreme Islamic Shiite Council, Sheikh Ali Al -Khatib, to invite them to the Ramadan breakfast held by the sheikh of the mind in the sect house on the 21st of this holy month.

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