The possibility of a collision between the two allies of the United States

The American newspaper “Newsweek” reported that “at a time when the regional and international interests are racing to reach an agreement on the war in Gaza, dangerous competition between the United States’ allies is escalating: Israel and Turkey in Syria, where the geopolitical conflict continues three months after the fall of President Bashar al -Assad in Syria. Israel, which was encouraged by victories in its war with Hamas and its Iranian allies in the region, took advantage of the post -Assad chaos in Syria to seize more southern lands outside the Golan Heights for a long time and create a new buffer zone against potential enemies. The Israeli forces also intensified their air strikes against the Syrian military sites and sought to strengthen contacts with local communities from the Druze and Kurdish minorities in the Arab majority country.

According to the newspaper, “Turkey, a growing regional force and a member of the United States -led NATO, maintains rules in the north, and has begun to benefit from close relations with the Syrian opposition factions to confirm its position in the absence of Assad’s allies, Iran and Russia, whose influence diminished after the overthrow of the Syrian leader in December. Ankara also recently concluded the ceasefire agreement to suppress the decades ago, launched by the PKK from Syria and Iraq. US President Donald Trump expressed his admiration for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and considered them pivotal players in his emerging vision of the Middle East. But with the two men now engaging in a growing duel, some observers warned of a possible clash on the horizon if they were unable to manage their conflicting interests in Syria properly.

The newspaper said, “Efrat Aviv, a assistant professor at Bar Ilan University and great researchers at the Begin Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, told the newspaper:“ I think the confrontation, and perhaps even the military confrontation on a narrow scale, may occur between Israel and Turkey at some point. ” Both Israel and Turkey view Syria as linked to their basic interests due to the country’s proximity and last history of turmoil. While Syria did not participate directly in hostilities against Israel, it worked as a major center for operations for the factions allied with Iran, which for years supported the Syrian government against the rebels and jihadists at home. On the same day, in which Israel and Hezbollah signed a ceasefire after fierce battles in Lebanon next to last October, the frozen interior lines in Syria suddenly erupted, where an attack led by the Islamic Liberation Headquarters for the Greater Cities erupted.

The newspaper added, “After less than two weeks, the rapid collapse of the half -century of the Baath Party’s rule in Syria was a reason to revive hopes for stability. However, optimism has decreased since then to a large extent in the case of uncertainty about the direction of the new government led by Ahmed Al -Shara, as well as the competitive influence of the neighboring forces. Sharia, which rejected jihadist ideologies in recent years, has adopted a cautious approach to Israel, and at the same time, the emerging Syrian administration also sought to obtain greater security guarantees from Turkey. Aviv said that the growing Turkish role in Syria, which is supported by billions of dollars, has raised new concerns with Israel. In light of Syria’s weakness in this fragile situation, which may pose a potential threat to Israel.

According to the newspaper, “Israel has repeatedly and repeatedly sought to compare Hamas with the Islamic State, Aviv said that Israel is still looking at Sharia as a” member of ISIS. ” She claimed that “the Kurds are currently an ally of Israel” in Syria, with the Druze also played an important role, “with the link to the Druze community in Israel, there is also the possibility of renewing the brotherly alliance that can ensure the protection of the common borders due to similar interests.” “Assad has changed the Israeli position, to some extent, after the seventh of October and Netanyahu’s conservative agenda,” said Murad Aslan, associate professor at Hassan Calongo University and a first researcher at the Political, Economic and Social Research Foundation. He added, “Israel has looked at the gap in Syria as an opportunity to destroy the Syrian military stock, expand lands east, and to encourage the Druze and the PKK to create a proxy structure loyal to Israel.”
The newspaper continued, “In the face of this clear strategy, Aslan said,” Türkiye will be patient until the last degree of tolerance. ” But he warned that “if Israel continues to escalate, there may be a coordinated effort with Damascus through a gradual approach.” When Aslan sees that the direct military confrontation is the “last resort” of Ankara, then he sees the possibility of using “defensive means and other low -cost and unequal” in order to keep Israel’s removal. In January, warnings were issued that the possibility of conflict between Israel and Turkey was issued by an Israeli government committee headed by former National Security Chief Jacob Nagel, and the report warned of “the direct danger represented in Turkish -Israeli hostilities” if Erdogan fulfills “the Turkish dream of returning the Ottoman crown to its previous glory.”

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