South Lebanon waters announce the completion of the maintenance of sewage stations

The Southern Lebanon Water Corporation announced in a statement that it had “completed the maintenance and rehabilitation of its sewage stations, and it was as follows:

-The Tabarin Station to Refine the Water Water extends over an area of ​​20,000 square meters and is designed to serve a number of villages within the scope of Bint Jbeil, the most prominent of which are: Tabarin, Safed Al -Witar, Al -Jumarah, Barashit, Sultani, and part of Shakra, Aita Al -Jabal, and Beit Yahun. It has the ability to refine about 3,500 cubic meters per day.

She pointed out that “the station was rehabilitated to treat sewage in it by separating large inorganic materials by large coarse refinery, followed by the separation of small inorganic materials by the soft strainer, and then the sand is separated and the surface stuel materials are removed by the grease removal unit. Then it is transmitted to the vessels of ventilation to remove organic materials through air compressors, to the circular sedimentation basins, i.e. within the range of assembly to be placed in the chlorine tank techniques, where it results in clean water suitable for industrial use and irrigation of non -fruitful trees, in cooperation with UNICEF.

– Eastern treatment plant for wastewater refining, which serves about 17 towns within the scope of Nabatieh and its vicinity (Tulle and its vicinity), and has the ability to refine 10900 cubic meters per day as a maximum.

The electrical plate at the station was rehabilitated to operate the pump from the assembly well to the main station refineries, the tank and the electrical circuit for the sand separation system, maintenance of the micro -dirt separation system, providing the station with the birth of 600 KVA, rehabilitation of the diesel network, sensors and pumps, maintenance and rehabilitation of the Skada system and its update, securing sensors and meters for the station, controlling the control room and the electrical room for the well, in cooperation with UNICEF.

– Senik station, the lifting stations were rehabilitated on the coastal line of the city of Saida by rehabilitating the pumps of the slaughterhouse and enamel station, as well as control panels and the creation of the Skada system that was connected to the main station in Senik, which in turn underwent maintenance work from paint and change everything that was worn out.

In addition to the rehabilitation of the control panel in the lifting station such as Farafa and its connection to the Sukada system, as well as the rehabilitation of the electrical plate in the gas station, the cleaning of the well except for civil and electrical work, in cooperation with UNICEF.

– The ROM treatment plant, which treats the water of the town of Rom, naturally by reeds, and does not need equipment or workers.

The station is built from the USAID and briefly operated. The Foundation has operated it for a while.

The Nimeiriya Pump Station, which pumps the sewage coming from the Nabatiyeh area to the sewage treatment plant in Sharqia, where it is treated. It was operated by the USAID for a short period, then the Foundation took over it for a while.

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