After his doubts about Trump’s understanding of history .. New Zealand dismisses its ambassador to the United Kingdom

New Zealand Foreign Minister Winston Peters said on Thursday that he had sacked his country’s ambassador to the United Kingdom, Phil Goff, after he made comments considered criticism of US President Donald Trump.

Gowe made comments at a forum in London on Tuesday and seemed to question Trump’s understanding of history, as he compared the president’s attempts to improve relations with Russia and the actions of British leader in War and Winston Churchill, who fought Nazi Germany.

“President Trump has returned the Churchill statue to the Oval Office,” Goffs asked during a symposium with the Foreign Minister of Finland, Elena Valtonin. But do you think he really understands history? ”

Peters said in a statement on Thursday that the comments of Goff were “very disappointing, and do not represent the opinions of the New Zealand government and make his position as a toxic commissioner in London unimaginable.”

The New Zealand Foreign Minister Winston Peters, who leads the New Zealand Party, added the populist right -wing coalition, that Bidi Curie, the highest government official in the New Zealand Foreign Ministry, was working with Goff to appoint a new ambassador.
It is worth noting that Ghove, who previously held the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs and legislator to the Labor Party from the left of the center, was appointed as an ambassador to the United Kingdom in 2023.

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