A Christian duel and endeavor to accommodate the Chouf and Beirut to protect equal

Lebanon stands at the gates of the completion of the municipal elections in 4 stages, starting on May 4, and concludes with the conservatives of the south and Nabatiyeh on the 25th of it, which coincides with “liberation feast”, that is, the anniversary of the Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon in 2000, in response to the desire of the “Shiite duo”, who insists on completing the elections on time in an effort to renew its popular legitimacy ..

And it is stated in “Al -Sharq Al -Awsat”: The municipal council elections will be held on time set by the Minister of Interior, Ahmed Al -Hajjar, and it is no longer a field to postpone them, unless most of the political forces see their deportation until next September ..
It was learned from parliamentary sources that the “Shiite duo” attaches importance to the inclusion of the destroyed border towns in the electoral process, and he proposes a set of options to provide an opportunity for their residents to vote in their towns, expressing his willingness to secure ready -made homes or tents placed at the disposal of the “Interior” and transfer them to polling centers in the event that it is not possible to find buildings suitable for use. The sources pointed out that nothing prevents the transfer of polling stations allocated to these towns to neighboring towns. She said that the “duo” is counting on urging voters to demand heavily on the polls, allowing it to confirm that the southerners are adhering to their land in their confrontation with the Israeli occupation, and said that by his alliance excludes the occurrence of a little competition, allowing him to control its municipal councils.
However, the municipal elections places the political forces in front of a challenge that secures the equivalent between Muslims and Christians in the Municipal Council of “Premier League” in light of the overwhelming majority of the Muslim voice; Because the mere breach of it will open the door later, and as a political source says in front of renewing invitations to divide the capital into two municipal councils; A Christian and Islamic, if some do not go to claim federalism, abolishing the exclusion of Christians, which leads to a breach of sectarian balance. The political source called on the active forces in the capital to assume its responsibilities in preserving the equilibrium, which has always remained protected,
The municipal and optional electoral process starts from the fourth of next May in four stages, in a move that will broadcast a new spirit in the municipal councils that have been lost and vitality due to the collapse and the successive renewal since 2022.

And it is stated in “Al -Nahar”: The machines of political currents and parties were launched in municipalities, and it is reported that there is a cold in Tripoli, while learning from reliable sources, that what is going on in Beirut may be “the mother of the battles”, and the movement was noticeable that at the level of the Future Movement or Representative Nabil Badr, who is studying with Beiruti parties to form a balanced list entitled equally between all sects and sects, and things that have been cut off Positive, in other words, there is a direction of the municipality different from what happened in the years preceding the advancement of the capital.
And Al -Nahar learned that there is a trend in the villages and towns of Aali and the Chouf, which is similar to recommendations, so that no clash occurs between families under the articulated circumstances, especially on the Al -Mukhtara line Khaldeh, and the meetings that were held between Walid Jumblatt and Prince Talal Arslan, can add a positive atmosphere to this level, specifically the municipality Nidal Al -Jardi to other regions, while the battles will be in Aley, Al -Omoun and others, and the same thing is in the Chouf where there is a movement for the former minister, Wiam Wahhab, with allied and friendly forces, so the municipal entitlement may be an introduction or a rehearsal of the parliamentary elections.
The information also indicates that the Shiite duo’s alliance is settled in terms of municipal entitlement and Hezbollah, according to the information, moved its electoral machine and began meetings for this purpose with the relevant authorities, and the same thing may be launched during the coming days on the Amal Movement line, while the Lebanese Forces or Christian Parties in general, its electoral machine began to attend what applies to most of the currents and political forces, including the Free Patriotic Movement, so until the hour of the municipal image is clear at the level Alliances.
The head of the Liberal National Party, Representative Camille Chamoun, told Al -Nahar: We set out in preparing for the municipal elections and we will support those who are considered close to us, and at the level of alliances, Shimon responds by saying that they are families and not political elections, because the parliamentary has its circumstances, data and affairs, and it is too early to go into this issue, but the battle of the municipalities has started and we will not interfere with the families, but our support will be. For those close to those who believe this applies to all political and party forces and families in Lebanon.

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