For the sake of Syrian students .. This is what a deputy from the government requested

Representative Bilal Al -Hashaimi directed an “open book” to Prime Minister Nawaf Salam, and the Minister of Education, Rima Karami, in which he said: “We address you today regarding an urgent issue related to the fate of thousands of Syrian students in Lebanon, who face the risk of interruption from education due to the decisions taken not to register in public and private schools. Over the past years. ”

He added: “The Lebanese state adhered to its humanitarian principles and embraced the Syrian people, but the current stage calls for practical solutions that preserve the rights of everyone. Since the overthrow of the Syrian regime, approximately 50% of the Syrian students have returned to their country, which confirms the necessity of organizing the rest of the rest in a deliberate way that guarantees them to continue education without Lebanon bearing additional burdens.

He continued: “Therefore, we call for an exceptional decision that allows Syrian students registered to complete the 2025 academic year within the Lebanese educational institutions, as a transitional and final stage, in preparation for their return to their homeland to complete their studies there.”

He continued: “In light of a close session of the Council of Ministers, we hope that this file will be included on the agenda, given its human, educational and social dimensions, because of its impact on thousands of families.”

And he added: “Also, we appeal to the international community and humanitarian organizations, to provide the necessary support to end this academic year smoothly, in a manner that guarantees the interest of Syrian students and reduces the burdens on Lebanon. Taking this decision will embody the balance between Lebanon’s humanitarian obligations and its national responsibilities, and contributes to enhancing regional and international cooperation to ensure a stable and safe future for these students.

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