In Tripoli … the arrest of 4 people and the seizure of unlicensed weapons

The Internal Security Forces continue to implement the security plan they set in the north, and the spread of security forces, the establishment of barriers and the conduct of intensive patrols, after raising the level of readiness to the maximum, to curb the mobile problems in the city during the past days.

Strict security measures will continue around the clock and throughout the month of Ramadan to ensure the imposition of security and stability, and to create a safe atmosphere for citizens during the blessed month of Ramadan.

Meanwhile, a patrol of the Information Division of the Internal Security Forces suspended 4 people in the locality of Souq Al -Areed – Tripoli, and they are “AM”, “B.G.”, “MG”, in addition to a Syrian “A.

It was found that some of the detainees were in possession of unlicensed warships, while it was found that others wanted with previous arrest warrants.

As a result, the detainees with the seizures were taken to the investigation, under the supervision of the competent judiciary to take the necessary legal measures.

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