Standard – Liberone James exceeds the 50,000 barrier

The historical scorer of the American Professional Basketball League

By scoring a trilogy at the beginning of the first quarter of the match of his team, Los Angeles Lackers With New Orleans Pelicans, Liberone James has become the first player in the history of the American Basketball League (the Professional Basketball League (NBA), The barrier of 50 thousand points in the normal season and after the season.

James had reached 49,999 points on Sunday night, when he scored 17 points in the Likers victory over his neighbor Clubs in the Los Angeles derby (108-102), then returned and scored 34 in the victory (136-115) against New Orleans, which is the seventh victory in a row.

James, 40, has become the historic top scorer of the American Professional Basketball League, whether in the normal season or in the exclusionary roles, and exceeded the barrier of 50 thousand points during its 22 season, to equal the record that Vince Carter holds as the most played for seasons in the history of the tournament.

It occupies the legend of the Lakers Karim Abdul Jabbar Second place in the list of most registered in the history of the league with 44 thousand and 149 points in 20 seasons.

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