Nawaf Al -Mousawi outside Hezbollah as a punishment for his audacity?

“Al -Nahar” information was reported that a wave of overwhelming discontent and wide reactions prevailed in the “Hezbollah” circles during the past 24 hours, against the backdrop of a televised interview conducted by the day before yesterday, responsible for the resource and border file in the veteran leadership party, Nawaf Al -Mousawi, to the extent that in the party who concludes that there is a trend within the leadership stipulating that the enjoys of restraining measures in the right of Al -Mousawi may reach the freezing of its membership and the removal of the tasks He undertakes, or expelled him permanently from his ranks, especially since the party had previously punished Al -Musawi by forcing him for his resignation from the House of Representatives and freezing his membership, in response to mistakes he committed previously, the most prominent of which was storming him as a detonator for the internal security forces in the coastal town of Damour and beaten by his daughter, where he was detained there after chasing his exact and exposure to it.

It is known that Al -Musawi was considered in his exciting interview, which was conducted by Al -Mayadeen channel yesterday night that the party committed errors and was short during the most famous military confrontations with the Israelis, and that was one of the reasons that led to the heavy strikes in its military body.

Among the most prominent things Al -Musawi said in this field is that the Israeli was not smart as much as the party was limited, and he committed mistakes that enabled the Israeli to achieve what he wanted.

Al -Mousawi stated that among these grave mistakes is that the security authorities concerned in the party did not initiate the examination of the Pajjat ​​devices that the party imported a while ago from abroad, and distributed them widely to its military cadre to be a substitute of mobile phones and other communication devices that the enemy can be breached and dismantled its code, so that the first severe blow was revealed to the party, followed by other strikes, including the assassination of former Secretary -General Hassan Nasrallah and then all The first military command.

It is worth noting that there is a diligent internal review in the party that was launched since the end of the ceasefire agreement to determine the mistakes and hold the negligent accountable, but it has been an internal review that continued its chapters to this day, knowing that one of the leaders of the Political or Military Party has not yet dared to open talk about shortcomings and errors that caused harm and loss of the party and its environment in the open and frank manner that Al -Musawi spoke about in his interview.

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