The families of the victims of the port: The success of the covenant lies in achieving what has been pledged

During its monthly stand in front of the statue of the expatriate – the port of Beirut, the Families of the Victims of the Bombs of 4 August stressed that “there is no issue, no matter how large its size covers the largest non -nuclear bombing in history in the port of Beirut.”

The association said: “The apparent things there is no doubt that it is positive.”

She pointed out that “the presidents of the republic, the government, and the Minister of Justice expressed expressed their adoption of the issue of the country in terms of ensuring what makes the investigation reach its conclusions, and the lesson remains in the result.”

She stressed that “the success of the covenant lies in achieving what has been pledged at the level of judicial reform and ensuring the independence of the judiciary.”

She added: “Positive apparently withdraws to follow up on the investigation procedures completed by the judicial investigator Tariq Al -Bitar regularly and the available legal means, and it remains that the positive is withdrawing to the discriminatory public prosecutor. He committed it from the massacres against the law, “noting that” everyone knows what these committees are. “

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