The beginning of the covenant in terms of … the Saudi “return”?

Centia Sarkis

Saudi Arabia, the first external destination of President Joseph Aoun … in the form as the content, this visit was the beginning of a new stage in the Lebanese -Saudi relations that passed in recent years with bumps and “separations” at times, as a result of our output, forced from the Arab embrace, towards the projects of wars and destruction that are not similar to us.

In addition to the agreements signed between the two sides, the Lebanese await the most important and most important gift of the Kingdom, which is to raise the ban on the travel of Saudis to Lebanon, which is long awaited. How important is this decision?

The Saudis have always been among the largest investors in the tourism, hotels and real estate sector in Beirut, as Gulf tourism was one of the most important sources of income for Lebanon, including the Saudis who make up the largest group of Gulf tourists, as summer holidays, special occasions and holidays were always filled with large numbers of Saudi tourists in particular, who always express their love for Lebanon.

Before the year 2019, Saudi spending in Lebanon was considered one of the main engines of the Lebanese economy, and according to reports and economic studies, Saudi spending was a large part of the annual tourism revenue, as the numbers ranged between 300 thousand and 500 thousand with a noticeable increase during the holiday period, contributing to a value of about one billion to 1.5 billion dollars annually in the Lebanese economy.

This spending was distributed among the luxury hotels in which they land, and the major shopping centers as Beirut markets and the luxurious malls they went to buy luxury goods and international brands. Add to the foregoing, entertainment activities such as cafes, restaurants, winter and summer resorts and festivals, so the Saudis come to enjoy the moderate Lebanon ritual in the mountains as on the beach, and with its loud, luxurious and exceptional nights in various Lebanese regions.

Today, the Lebanese people look with great hope for what the Saudi return will bear to the Lebanese rabies, and the long -awaited economic recovery that will be formed, if it is in relation to the support of the real estate sector, as Saudi investors are considered the main players in the market, especially if this is accompanied by political and security stability in the country. Add to the foregoing, move the business market by dealing with Lebanese companies in various fields, in a way that revives local markets and contributes to creating new job opportunities.

The Saudi return, whenever it will be, will open the appetite of regional and international investors, as it will be an indication of the relative stability in the country and a clear indication that Lebanon is enjoying stability and therefore investing in it is safe.

Lebanon stumbled, and slipped into places that are not similar to it, so those who are always supported and supported, and here is today the dust of the region, raising the grip of the interest of its children, and reaad the reconstruction of the bridges that were destroyed with those who were his brothers, in word and deed …

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