What the friends of Lebanon ask … and is the “party” humble?

Muhammad Shuqair – the Middle East

It seems that the road is not an Arab and international paved in front of Lebanon to obtain financial aid to reconstruction of what Israel destroyed, starting with its south, unless it is permanently stabilized by implementing decision “1701”, and achieving reforms to cut off the renewed war with Israel by dropping what it invokes in keeping it with the five points, and putting the international community in front of its responsibility to compel it to withdraw from it.

This requires Hezbollah to take a courageous decision to stand behind the government in its support for the diplomatic solution to impose its entire control of the south, and its involvement without conditions in the state project to advance the country from its accumulated crises, and thus given it its weapon in an obligation from it what was stipulated in the Taif Agreement with the exclusive weapon in the hands of Lebanese legitimacy.

Permanent solution
The friends of Lebanon are not in the import of providing aid for the reconstruction of destroyed towns unless they obtain guarantees that the permanent solution alone prevents the renewal of war, provided that Hezbollah refrains from being unique to its decision without returning to the government; Because they refuse, as a political source says to Asharq Al -Awsat, to turn into a financial fund that provides aid every time the party decides to enter into a confrontation with Israel for regional accounts, and therefore they are ready to help it for one and last time, provided that the party is obligated to limit the arms in the hands of the state in implementation of international legitimacy resolutions, otherwise Lebanon will remain alone if the party does not abide by the book of conditions that prevents it from using its weapon whenever it wants.
The source pointed out that the party did not need to support Gaza, which brought it into a military adventure that formed an embarrassment for the government of President Naguib Mikati, who was surprised by its decision, and was the last to know it similar to the political forces, including allied with him.

The same source saw that the party ignored the government and inflicted itself in its poor appreciation for the reaction of Israel, and here he is calling today the government of President Nawaf Salam to rebuild the areas destroyed by Israel, refusing to link it with political conditions, according to a member of the Hezbollah bloc, Representative Hussein Al -Hajj Hassan. He asked: What is the benefit of his populist bidding on the government? From where did the money secure for its reconstruction, even though the party had pledged to reconstruct it better than it was, so that its Secretary -General Sheikh Naim Qassem returns to demand the government to take it upon itself to reconstruct the destroyed areas?

The exit of “residue”
The source called on the party to humility in its careful reading of transformations in the region with the exit of the “Al -Mana’ah axis” led by Iran from the political equation in the region, and the new situation in Lebanon with the election of General Joseph Aoun as president Sustainable protection.
He stressed that there is no political feasibility for the party to go far in its arrogance and deny the new reality in the country, and he said that the party has an opportunity for the “Benna” its positions in light of the positive transformation that was characterized by Qasim’s speech in its funeral for the former general Secretary of the party, Hassan Nasrallah and Hashem Safi al -Din, and the intervention of the head of the “Wafa Resistance” bloc, MP Muhammad Raad, in his discussion of the ministerial statement of the peace government that received the confidence of Parliament With a comfortable parliamentary majority, the party was its Christian.

Southerners need
The same source asked: What prevents the party from abandoning its danced giving as long as it stands behind the diplomatic option that the government is following to compel Israel to complete its withdrawal from the south, and refrains from responding to its breaches for the cease -fire, especially since the southerners are in urgent need to take their breath and return to their villages that remain almost impossible unless the party is not delivered to the necessity of implementing the decision «1701»; Being the only organizer to compel Israel to withdraw to its international borders in implementation of what the armistice agreement stipulated?
The necessity requires the party to get out of the state of confusion, and the alignment behind the government, which has pledged by its president, Salam, to rebuild the areas destroyed by Israel, but the “eye and the hand is short” unless it is obligated to apply the application of the decision “1701”; Because other options are not at hand in light of the balance of power that are no longer governed, as before, with the rules of engagement and the balance of deterrence.

Conditions book
But one of the conditions for seeking Arab and international aid to rebuild the destructive areas is the Lebanese initiative to help themselves in a way that encourages his friends to help him, otherwise he is tampering with trying because they demand the government with guarantees that Hezbollah is not unique in its decision similar to its chain of transmission to Gaza, who returned the country to the first square, and it was indispensable if he was better to scrutinize his accounts and did not make mistakes in his appreciation to the Israeli response.
Therefore, the party has become required, as the source says, to contribute to preparing a book of conditions that the government prepares to include the name of Lebanon on the list of international interest and not to neglect the last opportunity to get it out of its crises. Will he respond without conditions and put his weapon with the state’s custody to crowd Israel internationally to obligate it to withdraw?

Accordingly, did the party become eligible to conduct a critical review of its positions and take a decision to deliver its matter to the government in adopting a diplomatic solution to the withdrawal of Israel from the five points after it realized that its liberation without difficulties, given the great imbalance in the balance of power?

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