The army mourns Antoine Saad .. These are the details of his life and his military career

The Army Command – the Directorate of Guidance in a statement, mourned the former deputy, retired Major General Antoine Saad, who died today.

Below is a summary of his life:
– Born: 5/12/1937 Rashaya Al-Midan- Rashaya.

– Volunteer in the army on 7/10/1957, and paper to the rank of lieutenant on 9/16/1960, then graduated in the upgrade until the rank of Major General, as of 1/1/1995.
– A number of medals, including: The Medal of War, the National Cedar Medal of the rank of officer, the Lebanese Merit Medal, a first degree, the National Cedar Medal of the rank of Commandor, the baptism of the army commander and congratulates him several times.
– Follow several courses and tasks at home and abroad.
– Singer.

The body is transferred on 5/3/2025, at nine in the morning from the Dio -Beirut Hospital to the Church of the Lady of the Greek Orthodox – Rashaya Al -Wadi, where the funeral is held on the same date at the first hour in the aforementioned church.

Condolences will be accepted before the burial and after it until five o’clock in the afternoon, and on 6/3/2025 from eleven to five in the afternoon in the salon of the church mentioned above, and on 7/3/2025 from eleven until six in the St. Nicolas Church of the Greek Orthodox – Ashrafieh, or by calling the son of the brother of the deceased Mr. Joe Saad on the number: 200203/71 ″.

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