The Malikin Syndicate in response to the tenants: If you are afflicted with sins, hide

In response to the press conference of the tenants, the ownership union announced in a statement, “We are surprised, condemning and condemning all press conferences that are incited against the property of the old owners, and we are surprised by the audacity that those calling for these conferences enjoy while they are paying defective and semi -free allowances for the lessors, and we wished that these boldness had an individual to announce their rental and non -residential rental allowances They appear to the public lease contracts and some do not exceed the dollar per month! Here we say: If you are afflicted with sins, hide! In general, in residential rents, and despite the misleading fatwas of some of the lawyers of the law, the courts are continuing to issue rulings in accordance with the provisions of the new law for rents, and that the time to end, whatever haters hated! Your conferences and data have become useless and effective, and cannot be considered, as the sane person cannot consider the farce of old rents and pay 200 thousand pounds annually, especially the lawyers in you, engineers and heads of committees and associations that were established to defend your own interests.

In a non -residential, you want legally to measure the heads of your union and the heads of your merchant committees. No, gentlemen. There are more than 80,000 tenants who pay new rental allowances, so why do you pay the crumbs of allowances and your number was 25 thousand before the issuance of the new rulings? Why are we satisfied with a dollar or two dollars per month? We agreed to invite the Chairman of the Administration and Justice Committee, George Adwan for dialogue and amending the law, but you rejected any increase in the allowances and you refused to put a period of editing, and you suggested the initiative of twenty twenty times, and the least said that it is funny and crying at the same time, and with it the allowance becomes $ 20 a month! Is this an initiative or a cunning offering profit at our account? So why are these privileges for you at our expense? We no longer want the new law of its origin, and we will take it to the public law, that is, the law of obligations and contracts, which is the separation between us. It is time for someone to say to you enough, enough to occupy, enough to confiscate the property of others. You are exposed to deputies and ministers.

We take advantage of it suitable to invite all owners to quickly apply for claims and contracts to recover their non -residential departments. Peace. ”

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