The death of a man who saved the lives of 2.4 million children

Australian charitable man James Harrison died at the age of 88 after leaving more than two million and 400,000 people who owe their lives.

Harrison holds the title of “the gold -arm man”, referring to the well -known that he paid in his hand to millions of children around the world, where he succeeded in saving their lives and protecting them from death.

According to the story published by the British newspaper “Metro”, Harrison helped save the lives of more than two million and 400,000 children by donating rare blood plasma through more than 1100 donations for six decades.

Harrison, known as the “golden arm”, had a precious and rare anti-blood body known as (Anti-D), which is used to make medicines given to pregnant mothers whose blood is exposed to the risk of attacking their children who have not yet been born. (Arabic)

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