A limited advance with economic and political breakthroughs!

George Shaheen wrote in “Al -Gomhoria”: The visit that the President of the Republic, General Joseph Aoun, intends to make to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He was announcing that Riyadh would be its first destination on his external visits, which are subject to a precise programming that leads him to Paris after that, before the remainder of it. It will be an occasion to launch a group of Saudi initiatives, the first of which is to open a new page to enter the Lebanese industries and agricultural products to it and revive the transit line and break the ban on the travel of Saudi Arabia to Lebanon, which will have achieved its goal. Here are some details. In response to an invitation addressed to him by the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Aoun goes to the weekend to Riyadh on a short visit during which King Salman bin Abdulaziz meets, and talks are taking place with the Crown Prince dealing with what can be called opening a new page in dealing with the Kingdom as the Gulf and major Arab state and the portal of Lebanon to the Gulf Cooperation Council states and a major crossing to rearrange relations between the country and the largest international economies, marking the revival of economic relations and commercial relations as they were three At least years, and in order to strengthen all forms of cooperation from country to country, the time of dealing with the Kingdom in its previous forms escapes from some margins is over, and every step or initiative is subject to its usefulness and return on the Kingdom and the target party together. In the foregoing is not a new matter and its importance does not stop when Aoun is keen on being his first and Arab look from the Riyadh portal, as was the conclusion of his visits to it as the commander of the army. After a short period, it will host the largest international summit that brings together US President Donald Trump and Russian Vladimir Putin, and preparations have started preparing for it to form a major international shift on the way to stop wars in the world. To these data that controls the presidential visit of Riyadh, it appears that Lebanon is betting on this first step for the new era in a way that goes beyond what can be ended today. The Lebanese have no longer believed in a large conclusion of modest steps, and they were satisfied with the steps that were thrown into Lebanon in the Atep of Wars and the major axes that have no camel for his children or camels. All that they want to achieve is that relations with some regimes and Gulf, Arab and international regimes are equal and build relations from state to a state instead of being in the interest of groups or sects and doctrines that enrich them and the Ptoleans of the Lebanese, and the last of the models was a reality that does not bear the burden of interpretation and its tampering when the state is absent and the states are strengthened. On these backgrounds, the references concerned with the ongoing preparations speak that it was not easy to rearrange the relations between Beirut and Riyadh before the closure of all the roads and crossings that used Beirut and with them the casserial land and naval crossings, the Lebanese gateway gate It came with the estrangement and Saudi sanctions that followed the smuggling of drugs that are affected by pomegranate, lemon and tea, except for the use of transit transport trucks for countries and continents that used the Lebanese crossings to transport and secure their safe crossing from Iran, Syria and Iraq to the Gulf states across third countries that were African, and they returned with great losses on Lebanon.

To the various data that cannot be ignored on the eve of the first official visit to Riyadh, it should be noted that the arbitration of logic and reason to all the above notes must be taken into consideration, and if the visit ends with Saudi measures that constitute a breakthrough in the re -import of agricultural products and Lebanese food industries and reopening the transit lines between Lebanon and the Kingdom’s lands through Syrian and Jordanian lands and deciphering the travel of Saudi travel to Lebanon, to restore what Before searching for major initiatives waiting for the best Lebanese to deal with what is required of them. And whoever returns to the Kuwaiti paper realizes that what is presented today is a repetition of its content and the most prominent: Lebanon’s commitment to all the benefits of the Taif Agreement, the decisions of international legitimacy, the League of Arab States and the civil state of the Lebanese state (i.e. its non -military) and the adoption of a policy of distancing soul in word and deed, and setting a specific time framework for implementing Security Council resolutions No. 1559 (2004) regarding militias in Lebanon, and Resolution No. 1680 (2006) Regarding the support of Lebanon’s sovereignty and political independence and the full support for the Lebanese national dialogue, and Resolution 1701 (2006) for the Hezbollah weapon and the southern Lebanon region according to the basic principle of the state’s control of the presence of weapons outside the authority of the Lebanese government. To stop the interference of Hezbollah in Gulf affairs, and pledge to pursue any Lebanese party participating in hostile actions against the countries of the Cooperation Council. The important thing remains to recall these titles in preparation for this visit, so that its results will turn a prior and limited advance that will be in advance of another more important initiative, including the revival of the gift of the three billions to arm the army with French weapons, which will be the orbit of the interest of the Saudi -French conference, to draw its ends on Aoun’s upcoming visit to Paris.

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