Nuclear secrets near Lebanon … surprises about a bomb and dangerous documents!

The Israeli “Yisrael” website said that at a time when the world is watching the Iranian nuclear program, there are documents that were recently raised by the secret that sheds light on how Israel has developed its nuclear capabilities in the 1960s, under the inspectors of the inspectors, and the irony is that Tehran may now be in the process of imitating the Israel strategy as it approaches the point of no return.

“The time of Israel”, in an analysis entitled “Dimona Project and the Secret Perfume on US Intelligence”, stated that Iranian nuclear activities have been changing news for years, and despite this, it is still unclear how clear Tehran is to produce the bomb.

Israeli misinformation

The Israeli site says that in the 1960s, Israel developed the bomb with almost complete confidentiality, and even the US government has misled its actions and goals.

It was the first Israeli Prime Minister, David Ben Gurion, who initiated the launch of the Israeli nuclear project in the second half of the 1950s, and the nuclear complex in Dimona was established at a time when only three countries in the world possessed nuclear weapons. Nearly a decade has passed, and on the eve of the 1967 war, Israel collected its first nuclear devices.

According to the site, in the face of the strong American opposition led by President John Kennedy, the Israeli leaders were determined to achieve this goal, and they looked at the nuclear project as an obligation to secure the future of Israel, and the boldness, intrigues and deception were among the basic aspects of Israel’s nuclear journey in which it is unavoidable.

Secrets of “Dimona”

The “Yisrael Time” indicated that in January, the National Security Archives at George Washington University published a new electronic folder that includes 20 documents on the Israeli nuclear project, and these documents highlight the extent of the American government’s knowledge of the secrets in Dimona, and the ways that Israel hid.

From the beginning, the leaders of Israel looked at the “Dimona Project” as a “secret within a secret”, and the first secret was the Israeli -French nuclear agreement in 1957, which led to the establishment of the nuclear complex, and the two countries negotiated the agreement with complete secrecy, in accordance with them for the sensitivity of the issue. There was also a deeper secret, represented by the six -storey underground nuclear processing facility, or as it was often called, the chemical separation facility, which allowed the production of righteous plutonium for use in making weapons in complete secrecy, and was known for the existence of the second secret only a few sides, Israeli and French.

So far, evidence indicates that when the United States discovered the presence of the “Dimona Project” in the last months of 1960, it was not aware of the deeper secret, and internal discussions in the United States focused on trying to assess the nature and objectives of the project, whether it was weapons production, electricity generation, or research.

The site says that although some in Washington were initially suspected that the project was aimed at producing weapons, they were unable to prove this, there was no “damaged evidence”, and in general, the US government was not aware of the details of the secret agreement between Israel and France.

This ambiguity is evident in the first special intelligence assessment of Demona issued by the CIA on December 8, 1960, as the document stated that “Israel is involved in building a nuclear reactors complex in the Negev, near Beersheba.” “The purpose of the complex can be explained in several ways, including research, production of plutonium, electricity generation, or a mixture of these purposes,” she explains.

The document also says: “Based on all available evidence, the production of good -used plutonium is at least one of the basic goals of this effort.”

Secret report

According to the site, another secret report, which was recently unveiled under the title “Israeli Blutonium Production”, was prepared on December 2, 1960, by the Joint Intelligence Committee for Atomic Energy.

The document indicates that American officials knew more, but the document did not explain how the committee reached this conclusion, but just mentioning a “chapter facility” indicates that the purpose of the reactor in Dimona was not nuclear research but the production of weapons, and this document may be the first or only American intelligence report, which explicitly states that the French -Israeli project included from the beginning the main technological components of the program Nuclear weapons, a production reactor and an facility to separate plutonium.

All American intelligence assessments regarding Dimona, between 1961 and 1967, at least, refer to the issue of the “chapter facility” as a issue that relies on a future decision that Israel might take, and in reality, in the first half of the 1960s, and even after that, the US CIA and the US CIA adopted a position that Dimona does not possess such a facility.

Nuclear weapon

In 1965, Israel completed the construction of the underground separation facility; In 1966, it began to produce a good plutonium for use in the manufacture of weapons, and on the eve of the 1967 war, it collected its first nuclear devices, and despite this, all reports issued by American visits during this period confirmed that no direct or indirect evidence was found on the presence of activity related to nuclear weapons, and in all these three visits, the American teams were confident of their conclusions.

The site stated that there are many open questions about this, so how can American and skilled American scientists be misleading for many years?

At the steps of Israel

The site says it is surprising that Iran may now simulate the 1960s strategy pursued by its archenemy, and it is close to the ability to produce nuclear weapons without testing, adding that the state of Tehran may be the same as the same as the situation of Israel in 1967, a few weeks after the nuclear possession. (24)

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