Israeli soldiers are not held accountable for their crimes in the West Bank

The global movement for the defense of children (a human rights organization) said on Saturday that the failure to hold the Israeli soldiers accountable for their crimes and their violations in the occupied West Bank, formed a green light for them to commit more.

And the director of the movement’s accountability program, Ayed Abu Qutaish, told Anatolia that “the Israeli army has been killed since the beginning of this year 16 Palestinian children in the West Bank, without pose a real threat to its soldiers.”

Abu Qutaish indicated that there is a kind of “the shooting by Israeli soldiers on Palestinian children, which has increased the number of people who were killed or injured.”

He stressed that “the failure of the Israeli soldiers to subjugate the perpetrators of violations against the Palestinians to accountability was a green light for them to continue their work.”

He pointed to the incident of the killing of the Palestinian child Ayman Al -Himouni, 13, on February 21, in the city of Hebron, south of the West Bank, explaining that “the child did not pose any danger to the soldiers at the moment of shooting and killing him.”

Abu Qutaish highlighted “the Israeli soldiers, and recently, the detention of ambulances that transport the injured, as well as attacks on the families of the injured, until this turned into a pattern in the behavior of the army.”

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