I saw the results of the aggression, which is larger than what is depicted

The Minister of Public Health, Rakan Nasser Al -Din and the accompanying delegation, moved to Bint Jbeil Hospital, the second station in his tour of a number of southern hospitals. He was received by Representatives Ayoub Hamid, Ashraf Baydoun, the director of the hospital Lina Bazzi, the mayor of Bint Jbeil, the head of the Municipal Federation of Bint Jbeil, a crowd of health activities, representatives of local councils and popular delegations.

The director of the hospital in Minister Nasser al -Din welcomed the reconstruction of the hospital’s departments, noting that Bint Jbeil Hospital gradually opened its departments from intensive care and dialysis department.

A similar welcome to the Minister of Public Health was from the two deputies Hamid and Bidoun, who stressed the reconstruction, noting that the presence of Minister Nasser al -Din in the region is an important message to the people of the border of the edge.

Then Minister Nasser Al -Din gave a speech in which he greeted the steadfastness of the medical crews from the first day of the war until the moment, adding that “Bint Jbeil is disobedient to aggression.”

He said: “I came to visit this area today not only as a minister but also as a doctor who stands next to you and I confirm that I am close to all of you. I saw the results of the Israeli aggression, which is much larger than what is depicted. It is clear that the deliberate harm to medical personnel in hospitals is a goal to strike the sector and the infrastructure in a systematic way. This matter leads to a feeling of sadness and sadness, but as much as the feeling of sorrow and sadness there will be a feeling of hope and reconstruction. The commitment provided by the government to reconstruction and restoration is not only an obligation to buildings. The infrastructure exceeds buildings and begins with humans and medical staff, as the people cannot remain without hospitalization. We are on the promise, and God appreciates us to cooperate with the donors to achieve what is required.

He added: “We bow to major sacrifices, but we are continuing a bright tomorrow and these disobedient countries will remain a confrontation, but it requires a mechanism for steadfastness. The government’s commitment to reconstruction and restoration exists, and we have seen the demands and needs of this hospital and there are positive matters and I am very pleased to open the departments and meet patients with dialysis after returning and we hope that the rest of the departments return to more cooperation, as the country is not based on one person but rather to cooperate from everyone. It gives you a thousand wellness and we hope to meet the next time and the ceiling will be “sitting”.

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