One of them tried to run over a security element … arresting 3 in Beirut, and this is what was seized in their possession

The General Directorate of Internal Security Forces – Public Relations Division issued the following communication:

“On 2/25/2025 and in the locality of City Center, and during a patrol from the detachment of the Mount Lebanon in the regional gendarmerie unit with the task of maintaining security and order:

She suspected a “Kia Farti” car, and when the driver did not comply with the stop, he was chased by the patrol elements, and I managed to control the car and arrest those on board, namely:
and. Q. (Born in 2007, Syrian) J. P. (Born in 2005, Syrian) and seized in possession of a quantity of hashish and a “bomb action” rifle with / 8 / shots that are suitable for use.

In the same locality, the patrol elements arrested another person who tried to run over one of the elements of the patrol and flee his automatic manner, the type of “Apriu Yamaha”, called: Kh. R. (Born in 2002, Syrian), with his inspection, he found in his possession a quantity of Captagon, hashish, and marijuana. The detainees and seizures were deposited for the piece to procedure the legal requirement against them, according to the competent judiciary.

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