The parliamentary trust is the achievement of the result … Will the government restore people’s confidence?

The confidence obtained by the government of reform and rescue, and is relatively confident of “Harzana”, may be an imperative of government start in its hard work, especially since the difficulties and obstacles awaiting it requires removing it more than the confidence of 95 deputies, more good intentions, more promises and obligations, and more than wishes. This does not mean questioning the intentions of Prime Minister Nawaf Salam or reducing the importance of the enthusiasm of successful ministers in the lives of their career and academic lives, and most of them are busy success records. But success in the field of private work does not necessarily mean that it is withdrawn from the quality of what this success can reflect in the field of public work. It is a lot different. And whoever does not have experiences in the administrative work related to public affairs, and the deadly bureaucracy of dreams and aspirations, he cannot bet on great success rates. Expectations are something and the facts are another. The difference between them is very large. All ministers or those who assumed a general responsibility in government departments began with great aspirations and ended with modest results.


The confidence obtained by the government of reform and rescue is necessary as a general framework for a long path that will not be completed before this government or any other government restores the confidence of people. People’s confidence differs in their contents and concept from the confidence of deputies, who are supposed to represent these people, and not a photo representation. These deputies should be the voice of their people in Parliament, through the legislation issued by them only in the interest of the citizen, and through actual monitoring, and through the accountability of the executive authority in the event that it fails to carry out its duties towards its citizens, and through serious accountability and withdrawing confidence from the government combined or from any minister proving the irrefutable facts that he did not adhere to what his government has pledged in its ministerial statement and in its private statement regarding With his ministry, based on the principle that every minister, if “cleaned” his ministry, was suspended from the deposits of the past and from all the causes of corruption, which has become at a stage of the characteristic of “Al -Shater Yelly Bishili from the seven”, and the employee “Al -Saleh” went with the back of Al -Tagh.
The repair is by fighting corruption, starting with large heads, which run all fraud, brokerage, hurry and bribery. And when the administrative stairs are cleaned from above, the bottom cleaning becomes easier than the flow of water in the slopes.
If the government does not behave in its daily practices and how to deal with the public affairs in a way that is consistent with what was stated in the speech of the presidential department and in the ministerial statement by 10 percent in these four hundred days, then the confidence granted to it is a representative and for many reasons that are no longer hidden from the Lebanese, who have become because of their many previous experiences knowing “beer and covering it”, perhaps more than some deputies, who stutter and they are the word “Square”, and they are scattered with the imagination of the microphone “, the miracles will not be achieved, especially if the people’s confidence is extracted from them if its practices in power do not coincide with the above that it announced and committed to it. And this people who are accustomed to all kinds of disappointing experiences are not required, but most of what is demanded is a few of many. This little does not need miracles in order to be achieved, and therefore, at the present time, he does not hope that his money will be returned to him with a button as it disappeared. He knows that this issue is greater than the capabilities of a relatively short age. But most of what he asks for, and this is his natural right, to ensure that his deposits will not be removed in a quick mathematical process, and that the word “failure to delete deposits must be removed from the Lebanese dictionary” is just a speech that he had heard of those who saw his age as he evaporates like a mirage more than once.
What this poor people demands must be placed on the agenda of government work priorities, which have taken the slogan of “reform and rescue.” Where will you start to regain people’s confidence in their country?

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