292 thousand children are at risk of developing cholera southern Sudan

On Thursday, the United Nations Child Protection, UNICEF, warned that 292,000 children are at risk of cholera in the White Nile State in southern Sudan.

The organization said in a statement that 500 children were among the 2,700 cholera cases reported in the White Nile State from the beginning of the year until February 24.

The statement indicated that the outbreak of cholera killed at least 65 people, including 10 children, in the White Nile.

He stressed that “cholera poses a deadly threat to children and can be fatal within hours if it is not treated immediately.”

He pointed out that the city of Kosti in the White Nile state includes 292,000 children at the risk of cholera.

UNICEF added that it works in cooperation with the Sudanese Ministry of Health and humanitarian partners to expand the scope of response and prevent the spread of cholera.

She stressed that the outbreak of diseases, such as the current cholera wave, may push the fragile health care system in Sudan to the brink of collapse.

She pointed out that the attacks on the power stations on February 16th led to the power outage, which caused the disruption of water supply in the cities of Kosti and Rabik, and forced many families to use unspeakable water, which increases the chances of the spread of the disease.

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