The weapon did not protect Lebanon and we want to protect everyone through our country

Representative Sami Gemayel expressed his confidence in the new government, considering that it would open a new stage for Lebanon, and wished her success in its mission.

In a speech during the discussion session of the ministerial statement, Gemayel affirmed that it is required from the House of Representatives, in cooperation with the government and the President of the Republic, to stand a pause of contemplation, and that the past page should not be folded as if nothing had happened.

Gemayel pointed out that there is an internal division in Lebanon and a state of oppression among a large part of the people. He said: “Lebanon came out of a large earthquake. He stated that he saw the funeral of Mr. Hassan Nasrallah and recalled historical stations that Lebanon went through, such as the funeral of President Bashir Gemayel and President Rafik Hariri.

He also described the ministerial statement as good, hoping that what is available from it will be accomplished. Gemayel added that what is required is to hold a dialogue and reconciliation in Lebanon, stressing that it is not possible to open a new page in the history of Lebanon if there is no equality between the Lebanese, stressing that the basis begins that no party has a weapon.

Regarding the weapon of Hezbollah, Gemayel said: “The weapon of Hezbollah did not protect Lebanon, the Shiites, or the resistance, and no one has protected.” He explained that the state must protect every town in Lebanon, while emphasizing the need for there to be only one weapon that protects the country.

Al -Jameel also stressed the importance of the House of Representatives to turn into a “reconciliation and openness conference”, calling for the necessity of speaking about everything frankly. He stressed that all the items of the Taif Agreement must be applied and the necessary development of it to ensure the stability and future of Lebanon.

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