If we give confidence to the government, we will give it to the people of the Lebanese in the rescue

Representative Ibrahim Kanaan considered in a speech during the debate of the ministerial statement that “the ministerial data is repeated and the most important remains the seriousness of implementation and the sincerity of the political will that produced or contributed to the production of the government. And if we want to give confidence, it is for the Lebanese hope to rescue, in light of the exceptional opportunity that should not be lost.

He said: “There are Arab and international pledges to support the army. We want to know where it has become, and what will the government do if it does not believe. Because the key to the solution is the exceptional opportunity to implement the decision to stop the hostilities that Israel violates and non -implementation will return us to the same problem, so solutions, sovereignty and stability are absent.

He believed that “we do not lack the many legislation as much as we lack the respect of the law and the judiciary that is held accountable and is not affiliated with the political authority.”

He added: “The control bodies belong to the government, so do we ask after this link, why did the controls not decide on files that we have referred to them from random employment to financial files? How does the control authority of its affiliated authority are held accountable? Therefore, the controls must be linked to the presidency of the Republic, not to the government.

He continued: “If the government does not set a reformist budget, then how is there a reform? The 2025 budget project lacks any reform and rescue vision, while the most important work the government is doing is the budget and financial accounts. Therefore, I repeat the request that I announced since October 2024 by its recovery from the government because we do not wish the government to issue the budget with a decree without its lesson.

Sealing: “Reform begins with the budget and financial accounts that absolve the government’s custody and the money of the depositors. It is not a slogan and courage in decisions that must be above all considerations.”

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