No change without completing the Taif application

President General Michel Suleiman said in a statement: “The war of support, stopping hostilities, the deployment of the army, presidential elections, division speech, government formation, ministerial statement, funeral.”

He added: “Today, trust, tomorrow, another day, tomorrow does not make change, change makes tomorrow. Do not save without change. Arms toppled change, the future, and tomorrow. Violation of the constitution brings us back to lean years. The disruption of the entitlements and the wheel of government opens the way to poverty, ignorance and fighting.

He continued: “Deception abroad distracts attention from external support and reconstruction. The quotas disrupt the administration and prevent the investment of our natural wealth. Intolerance and sectarianism reduce the enthusiasm of our spreading children.

He added: “There is no change if the feelings of the Lebanese are distributed between the victorious and defeated and defeated, or proud. No change without completing the Taif application. ”

He concluded: “The division of sovereignty between the south and the north does not lead to change, because God does not change what people are until they change what they are with themselves.”

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