Surprise … drugs on the Jounieh Highway!

The General Directorate of the Internal Security Forces – Public Relations Division issued the following communication:

Within the framework of the plan developed by the Internal Security Forces to combat the phenomenon of drug trafficking and promote it on all Lebanese territory, and as a result of the monitoring and punishment processes carried out by the group’s special periodic periods of the Judicial Police Unit, they have information about the presence of “Kiosk” on the Jounieh Highway used to sell drugs.

On 10-2-2025, a force of the aforementioned group raided the “Kyuzk” and stopped, with the crime, each of B. C (Syrian) n. C. (Syrian)
While they promoted narcotic substances, about 200 narcotic pills (Kangagon, and others …) were seized in bags, and a amount of hashish material prepared for promotion.

The investigation is underway under the supervision of the selected judiciary

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