Everything is better .. This is the reality of tourism in Syria after the fall of Assad

Ayoub al -Smadi, founder of the company “Syria Scope” for tourism and travel, announced that “now in Damascus where the beautiful winter, and everything is better than it was in the past,” considering that the tourism sector will grow very quickly.

In an interview with “CNN Travel”, Al -Smadi explained, “Hello from free Syria. I am in Damascus now. It is a beautiful winter. Everything is better than before … everyone is very optimistic since the fall of the Assad regime. ”

Just six weeks after the fall of Assad, Al -Smadi welcomed his early tourism on the Lebanese -Syrian border in mid -January, and he said from Damascus: “Now, because of the war, every person in the world has known anything about Syria. Now that Assad’s departure, I am sure that the tourism industry will grow very quickly. Once governments stop saying, “Do not go to Syria!”, Tourism will develop very significantly. (Russia today)

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