It impersonates an official status and steals the homes of its victims .. This is what happened to him

The general directorate of the internal security forces – the Public Relationships Division of the following cancellation:

Recently, several stolen operations have occurred in a number of southern regions and villages, by an unknown person who was impersonating an employee in the South Council and the victims deluded that he was charged with wiping the damage caused by the war.

As a result, the specialized cuts in the Internal Security Forces began their field and media procedures, and as a result of intense investigations and investigations, the Information Division reached to determine its identity, and it is called:

– And. M. (Born in 1991, Lebanese)

He is one of the owners of the rides with theft and robbery.

On 6-2-2015, and after accurate monitoring and monitoring, one of the Division patrol was able to implement an ambush in the town of Maaroub, which resulted in his arrest. By searching him, his possession was tied to a quantity of hashish.

By investigating him, he initially denied his involvement of what was attributed to him, and after confronting him with evidence that was proven by his involvement, he returned and confessed to theft in a fraudulent manner from homes in southern towns after entering the adjective of an employee in the South Council, and that he was charged with wiping the war damages, with the help of his brother. He also confessed to drug use.

The legal requirement was conducted against him, and he was deposited with the seizures of the relevant reference, based on the reference to the competent judiciary, and the work is continuing to arrest his brother.

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