We are committed to the enemy

This afternoon was held in Al -Yarza, the delivery ceremony and receipt of the Ministry of National Defense between the former Minister of National Defense Maurice Selim and Minister Michel Mansi.
Minister Mansi started it by placing a wreath of the flower on the monument of the martyrs of the army on the ministry’s campus and lighting the torch, on the impact of the army’s music.

Upon the arrival of Minister Mansi to the courtyard of the ministry, he was received by the Acting Army Commander, Major General Hassan Odeh, the Secretary -General of the Supreme Council of Defense, Major General Mohamed Al -Mustafa, and a number of senior officers, and the necessary ceremonies were held for him.
This was followed by a meeting between Minister Mansi and Minister Salim, during which he briefed him on the affairs of the Ministry and its affiliated institutions.
In a press conference, Minister Salim said that “the army is the fortress of the homeland and its shield,” a phrase that concluded my words on the day I received my responsibilities in the Ministry of National Defense, to start my speech today and my conviction increased during the responsibility.
Salim pointed out that, “Despite all crises, challenges, bumps, and Israeli aggression, the army remained on its readiness and high spirits, carrying out its tasks in preserving security and stability in the country and in the face of the Israeli enemy, and in monitoring terrorism and smugglers and participates alongside the security forces to maintain security at home over the entire soil The homeland, and extends a helping hand and assistance to all without exception. “
And he went to Minister Mansi by saying: “There is no doubt that several challenges facing you, the first of which is that the Israeli enemy must withdraw from the lands that he occupied in the south during the last war within the deadline specified on February 18 and the implementation of Resolution 1701 in all its studies, including the provisions of the ceasefire for permanent stability. In the south.
Among the challenges is also the control and control of the northern and eastern borders to prevent smuggling and illegal transition across the border.
One of the basic challenges is the right of the military to all military wires to serve and retire with salaries that allow them to live and devote themselves to performing their national message exclusively without having to do any other work.
Minister Salim concluded, “It is pleased that my friend and companion of the session, not just the arms companion, leaves me on this site, and he is the best of completing this task and resolved in this national responsibility. Life has returned to our constitutional institutions in accurate circumstances that our homeland passes through.
We are the sons of the military establishment to it, we belong to it and we are proud. May God grant you success, Minister Al -Siddiq, and pay your steps for the good and pride of our country. ”
Then Minister Mansi spoke, stressing that “the phrase honor means integrity and commitment to the principles and lofty values ​​related to dignity and respect.
And the word sacrifice is embodied by providing the most expensive effort from effort and fatigue to the sacrifice in particular, due to noble goals that preserve the sovereignty of the country and the security of the citizen. The principle of loyalty is manifested by sincerity and adherence to the department and not to abandon responsibility. ”

Minister Mansi went to Minister Salim by saying: “These specifications have met with your generous person over the years, and during the period of your assumption of your duties and continuous effort, you have endeavored to preserve moral values ​​and adhere to the laws.”
Minister Mansi added: “President General Joseph Aoun and the state of President Nawaf Salam honored me to receive the reins of the Ministry of National Defense, where you worked to sponsor the military establishment, this institution that we love and in which we were brought up together and worked together to protect Lebanon’s stability and the safety of its citizens.
He said: “We all know the size of the difficulties that faced our country, our society, and our army, and how you have preserved the leadership of the army on the institution.
Our people love and trust the army, this valiant army, which the days have proven to be the backbone of the stability of the homeland, and the more storms increase, the more hard and violence, and the Lebanese flag increases with it high.
Today I take responsibility with my feeling of pride and pride, and I will do my best to maintain the achievements and strengthen them, Mr. Shada, with the experiences of those who preceded me on this site.
I also assure everyone that I will work as usual in the spirit of the team to continue the path of giving and sacrifice.
My experience taught me that the continuation of institutional work requires planning, cooperation and adherence to the law. ”
Minister Mansi talked about the challenges, saying: “The challenges are great.
The sovereignty of the state over its entire land is a priority.
– Protecting borders and establishing security is a responsibility.
– Supporting the army fighting and improving the living reality of officers, ranks and individuals is a basic necessity.
Let us work together to succeed together. ”
Minister Mansi thanked all the officers and elements of the military room for their continuous efforts, and he also thanked Minister Morris Selim for everything he gave successfully.

Dialogue with journalists
In response to a question about the position on the Israeli request to extend the occupation of some sites in the south until the end of this month, Minister Mansi confirmed the Lebanese position that rejects this. The responsible references seek daily to achieve this withdrawal. The government will implement Resolution 1701, which will be certain to be included in the ministerial statement. It is a binding international decision and it has won the consensus of the Security Council, as there is no state that has been objected to and no state that has refrained from voting. It is a decision that the Security Council bears its application. The Lebanese state is implementing and the Israeli enemy is hindering. We will continue our endeavor to implement it.
And on what is happening on the northern and eastern borders in addition to the Israeli daily raids, Minister Mansi stressed that the raids fall within the framework of the recent Israeli attacks on the north as permanent in the south, and they violate resolution 1701, while the attacks that happen on the northern border have been extended The Lebanese army, the Lebanese sovereignty over our lands, to prevent the attacks from the eastern side, and recently when there was gunfire from the Syrian side, a decision from His Excellency the President to respond to these attacks. What concerns us is the extension of the state’s sovereignty because we implement Resolution 1701 on all Lebanese territories.
At the eastern border, the army began controlling the places that were the starting point of the attacks.
In response to a question about a plan to fortify and improve the material conditions of the Lebanese army officers and individuals, and will he quote what some countries adopt in preparing special budgets for the defense ministries that are not linked to public budgets? From the Lebanese society, which has suffered a difficult living situation. There are plans for material and military support, and we follow, but what we miss is the increase in material aid, and there are several countries ready to provide them with the Lebanese army. As for the mechanism of work, it is studying and we must display it in the cabinet and deal with its application as quickly as possible.

Securing this aid constitutes the first concern of President Joseph Aoun and there is a fan of aid in his hands that we have to deal with by setting a specific mechanism for the integrity of it in order to help the army. While awaiting this aid, we must study at the same time in the cabinet the mechanisms of its distribution.
On the internal level in the army, it does not need much, as it has never worked only according to the system and within the laws in force. What is important is to do one hand. ”
Minister Salim leave
After the press conference, Minister Salim reviewed the ceremonies and shook hands with the officers, and then left the Ministry of Defense building.
Acting Army Commander
After receiving and submitting, Minister Mansi, the army commander, on behalf of Major General Hassan Odeh, who congratulated him on his assumption of his duties in the Ministry of National Defense.

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