Government successes are central to the national identity of Lebanon

The excellent Mufti Al -Jaafari, Sheikh Ahmed Qablan, stressed in a statement that nothing is nationally more important than the government’s work and its national programs, and this passes through the government’s understanding of the country’s reality and priorities and the nature of stages, obstacles and needs and what is necessary to activate comprehensive development projects in the context of securing interest and national sovereignty in which the ministerial work is supposed to rise .

He said: Without national solidarity, there will be no list for this country, and without fighting corruption, there is no value for the effectiveness of national action, without controlling markets, stimulating capital, stopping inconsistencies and bribes, and curbing the appetite of public money whales and dealing with Israel as a matter of sovereign peer will not rise to Lebanon, indicating that the strong presence For the state, in the face of gangs, mafias, and cartridges, it determines the value of the state and the need for it, implementing economic reforms and health and social programs, achieving security stability, protecting the Lebanese hand, restoring deposits, enhancing national reconciliation, reconstruction, a structural necessity in national government work, rushing to southern Lebanon, mobilizing government institutions, relief and reconstruction capabilities is the basis for confirmation The principle of the government of Lebanon for all of Lebanon, and this is what we wish for strongly, and the national success of the government is a central basis for drawing the national identity of Lebanon.

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