The ministerial statement … “O party, state!”

Many have changed in Lebanon in recent months, in form and content … and one of the most evacuated new time is the new government that is very reliable and that has established a new equation for the ministers, their competencies and their remarkable biographies. After the government, Laayoune is diagnosed with the upcoming ministerial statement, which will be the compass that determines the path of the government, and our fate, especially with regard to the phrase “army, people and resistance”, which did not miss the ministerial data of the successive government … What statement will be written?

The ministerial statement of governments is the program of its work that it will adopt, and works based on it to achieve its goals and the national interest, but the previous ministerial data included many points, so that we do not say the majority of it, which remained ink on paper. In a quick inventory of previous ministerial data, you will find many common denominators, which can be shortened with “pink promises” that do not provide a sector, from the economy and industry, to health and secure the medicine for the Lebanese, through the judiciary and the insurance of electrical energy, to reduce public debt and transfer departments to the fields of technology .. And much much.
Many political developments prevented many work programs, but the grip that was held in the country and the majority of ministries was the first responsible for the outbreak of corruption and corrupt, and to prevent accounting, which is the first pillar of building the active and fair state.

For example, in the ministerial statement of the government of Saad Hariri, which was formed in late 2016, we promised that “the government is obligated to start working immediately to address the chronic problems that all Lebanese suffer from, starting from electricity to water through traffic crises and processing environmental files, most notably the waste problem and the problem of water pollution Litani River. As stated in the statement, the following day: “The achievement of the economic advancement is complete only by improving and expanding the social safety network and securing the right to reach the medicine and education for all Lebanese. In this field, the government will pay special attention to the poorest segments by completing the national program to combat poverty, securing the necessary financing to combat extreme poverty in particular, and securing qualitative education for all children on Lebanese territory.

All of this was not achieved from it, but the problems were exacerbated, so the electricity did not “healed it” nor “the water”, nor have the problems of the environment and waste solve, and the problem of transportation is still it. As for the economic advancement, it remained a dream that we inherit from one government to another, to no avail … like the medicine that exhausted the Lebanese, and made the entry of hospitals unable to the ability of many.

By moving to the ministerial statement of the government of Hassan Diab, which was formed after the outbreak of the October 17 revolution, it also included a long program that was not achieved, based on his intention to “work to reduce public debt by taking several measures, and seeking to share some public sectors of commercial and accreditation On partnership projects between the public and private sectors.

Add to it a lot of the items that remained a beautiful dream, including the energy, as it came in the ministerial statement of the following Diab government: “We are now in an emergency that requires intensive care and walk with quick solutions and take necessary and urgent measures to constantly secure the electrical current and whistle the deficit as soon as possible, Consequently, reduce the budget deficit and reduce the cost to citizens.

From Diab to the last government headed by Naguib Mikati under the title “Together to Salvation” … and with it, nothing remains except and needed savings, as we fell in many mazes up to the last war. In her ministerial statement, the following came: “To adopt a short and medium -term rescue program that starts from the recovery plan after its modernization with the resumption of immediate negotiation with the International Monetary Fund to reach an agreement on a support plan.” This is certainly with promises to achieve reforms and an end to corruption … and the rest you know!

The Mikati government promised to increase feeding hours in the first stage and secure electricity for citizens as soon
The electricity sector plan and its relatives with it with its modernization and the creation of the country needs to generate electrical energy with the participation of the private sector, and the completion of a project to recruit natural gas through floating platforms to store and rested natural gas (FSRU (, and giving priority to secure the continuity of feeding various areas with lip water, sewage treatment and work To prepare and approve the applied decrees belonging to the water law ”…

Its ministerial statement also included a promise to work on the completion of “the strategy of digital transformation with its executive plan in its final form.
To secure the implementation of the national strategy for cybersecurity “… everything remains the same, and even the government’s meeting has become almost impossible with the boycott of some and not securing the quorum.

As for the most important aspect, it is the one that today possesses the interest of all the Lebanese, and it is the trilogy of the “army, the people and the resistance” that attended in all ministerial data devoted to the illegal weapon of the party, and its possession of the decision of war and peace, and what wars that were announced from our lands and the negligence of the Lebanese state except The most prominent evidence for this … How did it appear in the previous data?

In the government of Saad Hariri: “As for the conflict with the Israeli enemy, we will not be effort and will not provide resistance to the liberation of the remaining Lebanese lands and protect our country from an enemy of what is still coveted by our land, our water and natural resources, based on the responsibility of the state and its role in preserving the sovereignty of Lebanon And its independence, unity, and safety of its children, the government emphasizes the state’s duty and its endeavor to liberate the saturated farms of Kafr Farshia and the Lebanese part of the village of Al -Ghajar, by various legitimate means. With an emphasis on the right of the Lebanese citizens to resist the Israeli occupation, its attacks, and the retrieval of the occupied lands.

In the government of Hassan Diab: “As for the conflict with the Israeli enemy, we will not be effort and will not provide resistance in the way of liberating the remaining Lebanese lands, and protecting our country from an enemy when it is still coveted by our land, our water and natural resources, based on the responsibility of the state and its role in motivating the sovereignty of Lebanon, its independence, unity, and safety of its children. The government emphasizes the duty of the state and its endeavor to liberate the Shebaa Farms and the Hills of Kfarshbah and the Lebanese part of the village of Ghajar, with all legitimate means. With an emphasis on the right of citizens and Lebanese citizens to the Israeli occupation resistance, its attacks, and the retrieval of the occupied lands.

“Kzha” Hassan Diab, with the addition of two or two words that do not change anything, to come after the government of Naguib Mikati, and in it the following: “Adhere to the armistice agreement and seek to complete the liberation of the occupied Lebanese territories, and defend Lebanon in the face of any attack and adhere to its right in its water and wealth And that is by all legitimate means, while emphasizing the right of Lebanese citizens to resist the Israeli occupation and restored its attacks and retrieving the lands
Occupied. ”

Mikati changed the formulation and kept the content, adding government legitimacy to Hezbollah …

Today, everything has changed, and the ministerial statement, especially with what relates to the protection of the land, is the center of the interest of the Lebanese, because this detail is the useful abbreviation of all the remaining items, because building the real state begins from here … either we complete reading, or on the state and dreams … peace!

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