Mai Al -Khalil called for participation in the 20th Marathon Beirut International race next May, May 4

The President of the Beirut Association, Mara, Mi Al -Khalil, presented in a press conference held in the Hall of the Parliament’s Library in Al -Najma Square, for the 20th International Beirut Racon, organized by the association on Sunday, May 4, at the Beirut Marine front under the slogan: We are running from the end for the beginning to remain Lebanon.

Information Minister Ziyad Makari, Chairman of the Parliamentary Youth and Sports Committee, MP Simon Abi Rumia, Chairman of the OMT company, who carries the race named Hikmat Abu Zaid, members of the association’s administrative body, and representatives of foreign diplomatic missions and general manager of the Acting Director of the Ministry of Youth and Sports Fadia Hall and Deputy Chairman of the Federation of Games The powers, Naama Allah, by the Glory and representative of the Director General of the Internal Security Forces, Lt. Col. Khaled Nasser, the representative of the Director General of Public Security, Lt. Col. Rashid Kfoury, the head of the editors, Joseph Al -Qusaifi, and Miss Lebanon, Nada Kousa, to representatives of Beirut Governorate, Beirut Municipality, municipalities from Lebanese regions, Beirut fire regiment, university and school educational institutions Union bodies, carats, charities, the Lebanese Red Cross, health bodies, a delegation of the category of special needs and representatives of media institutions.

The national anthem was inaugurated, then a welcome speech to the media advisor to the association, colleague Hassan Mohy El -Din, followed by the guest of the media conference, Ricardo Karam, on the experiences that the country lived and lived and that we taught us to remain in our hope, because that is a motive for steadfastness and work. Thus, the Beirut Association was marathon and across the races that had a deep impact, and we united us in the race of life, knowing that we sometimes run to a clear destination in an effort to reach our goals (…).

In his speech, the head of the Vinomina Saab Company revealed how the idea of ​​the promotional campaign for the race was born. It was followed by the poet Nizar Francis. Then Abu Zaid gave a speech in which he thanked the association with the person of its president, Mai Al -Khalil. He believed that many of the attendance of the conference are the company’s customers with several services and today they are on mobile phones through a special application .. The company is 26 years old in the Lebanese market and there are more than 200 services through 1400 agent centers and distributors on all Lebanese lands (…).

He pointed out that every individual in life runs for a goal, including success in his school, university, work and family. We must always remember that the marathon is a message of hope for the Lebanese youth, and to confirm that each end is a starting point towards a new start, calling on attending to participate in the race and running to Beirut and running for Lebanon.

In conclusion, the word Mai Al -Khalil indicated that despite the difficult challenges and circumstances in which Lebanon passed, the association’s insistence was much stronger, especially at this time. We decided to restore hope and joy to the hearts of the Lebanese (…).

She added: For these reasons, we decided this year to launch the race from the capital, Beirut, the heart of Lebanon, and from the Parliament specifically the source of the popular authority and the first national symbol of democracy and with great support from the state of President Nabih sees thanks. This council was a witness from a few weeks continuing the end of the void in the first presidency, by electing General Joseph Aoun as President of the Republic.

She called for participation in the process of real advancement for Lebanon, especially the sports sector, given its importance and people’s appetite for sport because it collects and does not differentiate and educates generations on the sports and moral spirit.
(National Agency)

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