Israel announces the success of the launch of the Gabriel 5 missile

The Israeli army announced today, Thursday, the success of the test of the launch tests of the sea-sea missile, “Gabriel 5”.

He said, “The Israeli Navy missile fleet soldiers and the Israeli Ministry of Defense Research and Defense Directorate in the Israeli Ministry of Defense and Israeli Space Industries in conducting a process of launching an operation to preserve and enhance the capabilities of launching the“ Gabriel 5 ”sea-Bahr missile. As part of the test, a missile was launched towards a ship that mimics a hostile ship.

“During the test, the regime succeeded in carrying out detection and shooting operations, and simulating real scenarios,” the army added.

He added that “this ability is an important component in the Israeli marine attack system, which guarantees the maritime superiority of Israel. The success of this test enhances the combat capabilities of the Israeli navy and enhances its willingness to face operational challenges.

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