There is no need to create problematic equations in the ministerial statement

Zina Tabbara wrote in Al -Anbaa:

In an interview with Al -Anbaa, the Secretary of the “Democratic Meeting”, MP Hadi Abu Al -Hassan, said in an interview with “Al -Anbaa” that the Lebanese “have a valuable opportunity to complete the exit phase from the tunnel, which began to elect the army commander, General Joseph Aoun, at the head of the Republic, and then assigning the President of the International Court of Justice Nawaf Salam by forming a new promising government from the spirit of the department’s speech.

He added: «What is required of the political forces without exception is to facilitate the task of the designated president, and not to weight them with incapacitating conditions and demands, with the aim of overcoming all obstacles to the birth of the government and starting towards the new Lebanon, provided that in return the principle of the standards unit in the process of selecting ministers and distributing bags on the basis of justice depends on the basis of justice Equality, in a way that brings together the basic political components in a unified government crucible that Lebanon comes out from darkness to light.

In response to a question about the problem of keeping the financial portfolio in the custody of the “Amal” movement: “It is natural for the Shiite duo to be in the government,” he said in response to a question about the problem of keeping the financial portfolio in the custody of the “Amal” movement. However, the former president of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Humbalat, and behind him the democratic meeting, emphasized the need to rotate in the distribution of ministerial portfolios, especially since the Taif Agreement did not stipulate neither frankly nor between the lines to establish ministerial portfolios for a specific doctrine or a specific sect without sects and other sects.

But based on the necessity of facilitating the task of the designated president, there is nothing wrong with assigning the money portfolio to the Shiite community with the aim of overcoming obstacles to the designated president, to enable him to pass the complications of government formation, provided that this leniency does not later lead to disrupting the wheel of the government and the state, by preventing the signing of the decrees on The difference of its types, whatever the pretexts and the reasons for that.

And he added, “We in the democratic meeting will monitor with all other deputies the work of all the government and the ministers, including the Minister of Finance for their question and hold them accountable when we feel a defect, but what is required is not currently not to put sticks in the cabinets of the designated president, and that we all overcome the problem of the money portfolio, provided that we apply The principle of rounding in the distribution of bags in the government formation that will follow the government of President Nawaf Salam, the expected birth of it.

Abu Al -Hassan called on “from the partnership of everyone in the national concern of reforming the reality of the state,” the necessity of representing all the parliamentary blocs in the government according to unified criteria, “provided that each of them is assigned ministerial portfolios in a way that is compatible with its parliamentary size, provided that everyone descends from the tree and sacrifices for the sake of establishing Lebanon is the state and the entity, especially since it is not “veto” externally to the minister of any national figure with the appropriate specifications, especially since the upcoming government will not include two parties or deputies to its ranks.

On the drafting of the ministerial statement, Abu Al -Hassan said: “The ministerial statement must come in line with the two department’s speech by President Aoun and the authorship of President Salam. There is no necessity, therefore, to innovate equations with a problematic problematic similar to the previous ministerial data.

And if there is a need to include the ministerial statement, that is, an equation, then the state’s equivalence is only governed by the constitution and the laws in force, because the state is the land, people and institutions under the roof of the constitution emanating from the National Accord Document (Taif Agreement) ».

He concluded, “by thanking the Arab countries, especially the Gulf, for its standing without exception to the Arab Lebanon, the identity and the passion, as a national constant, and its support without limits to get out of its district and crises,” stressing that Lebanon was and will remain Arab fancy and belonging.

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