Lebanon today »A meeting in the Hospital Syndicate to discuss increasing hospital identification

A meeting was held today at the Hospital Syndicate between the Syndicate headed by Eng. Suleiman Haroun, the President of the Association of Security Companies in Lebanon, Mr. Asaad Mirza, and representatives of insurance companies and management companies.

During the meeting, it was traded during the subject of the rate of increase that the union demands for the hospital identification that companies paid after the actual cost of the submission exceeded them.

Captain Aaron pointed out that the current contracted acquaintances are still without the prices that were in 2019 in a different way between hospitals by between 25% and 40%. The study prepared by the union notes that it does not constitute more than 60% from what it was in 2019.

For his part, Mirza stressed the importance of this meeting, and that companies are not far from what hospitals suffer, and they are in turn suffering from losses ranging between 130 and 140 % that were registered last year.

On the other hand, the insurance premiums are still less than 2019 in exchange for the decline in the number of registrants benefiting from insurance coverage.

The meeting concluded that insurance companies submit next week, a proposal that serves the interest of the guaranteed patient and maintains the continuity of hospital services and guarantee companies together.

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