Lebanon today »The Minister of Information Karam Maha Salma and Nabil Ghosn

The Minister of Information Ziad Al -Makari honored in his office in the ministry, Maha Salma, among a new group of stars who made the glory of Lebanon TV.

Salma said after the meeting: I was honored by visiting Minister Al -Makari, the friend of the media, who is the right man in the right place with his humility and spirit that beats dynamic and his face, and the way he dealt with all the media without any discrimination, especially his support for Lebanon TV.

Salma wished every person who works with passion that this beautiful feeling was honored and appreciated by Al -Makari for my long media career on Lebanon TV.

She said: I still dream of seeing Lebanon TV as it deserves to be in the first place and appropriate with all the existing capabilities, because Lebanon TV is the mine, and the spare gold for me with all my professional work, and I learned a lot from it.

Al -Makari also honored the poet, journalist and former director of programs on Lebanon Radio, Nabil Ghosn, who said after the meeting: I was pleased to meet the minister Al -Makari, who honored my thank you 46 years after my journey in the Ministry of Information.

Ghosn praised the Minister of Al -Makari, who was keeping up with this stage of the media and had successful fingerprints, and no one else was able to keep pace with the media and the media, who was known for his nature and humility.

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