Lebanon today »Pederson welcomes the statements of the Syrian leadership regarding the foundations of state building

A statement by the United Nations Special Envoy to Syria, not Pederson, said that he was in Syria during the past weeks, where he met the interim authorities and a group of Syrians, and he closely continued all developments on the ground.

According to the statement, while he was in Syria, “Pederson met with a variety of Syrian actors, groups and individuals from all over the country, who participated in a full set of political, societal, religious and organizational activities. He expresses his gratitude to all the Syrians who managed to meet them for sharing their views at this critical time.

The statement added: “The envoy has been strongly affected by the common conviction among all Syrians who met that the success of the political transition in Syria is necessary, and it cannot fail. The cornerstone of this, as he has been constantly heard from all the Syrians he met, is the need to really protect all Syrians, and to engage all Syrians completely in forming the future.

He continued: “The envoy for the clear assurances presented by the temporary leadership repeatedly and to him welcomed that the new Syria will be for all Syrians and is based on comprehensive and reliable foundations.”

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