Lebanon today »his house was burned … Father Magdy Allawi and his family are fine

In a statement, the municipality of Al -Ma’isra saw that the incident of the burning of the house of Father Magdi Al -Alawi is the founder and head of the Heaven’s Heaven Association in the town of Al -Ma’isra, we hurt us a lot, but we thank God and thank him for his survival with his family and did not suffer any harm.

She said: The Honorable Father Magdi Al -Alawi, the owner of the white hands and his charitable and social work that testifies to him and was never distinguished between a sect, race or nationality, and that his village that he built and called it was the human village to serve man and humanity. The Honorable Father Magdi Al -Alawi, since his feet stepped in the town All, which is open to the other and a loving, and represents the best representation of the teachings of Christ, peace be upon him, and the best example of this is that he refused to be a church in the village of man except that it is attached to it a mosque and has become an existing reality and unique that does not exist in any country in the world a mosque and a church with one ceiling.

She added: The Father, Majdi Al -Alawi, and his association, have the great credit for many charitable works for the town, and its people are countless. And the director of the martyr Institute, Muhammad Abdullah Amr.

And she continued: The honorable father, Magdy Al -Alawi, participated and participated in all social, cultural and educational occasions of the town, and the first of the attendees and the participants and its image that spread in the whole world is at the forefront of the participants in the funeral of the martyrs of the town The real is salvation to build our future. The municipality of Al -Ma’isra and the people of the town were the first to arrive at the scene of the fire and tried with the available capabilities to extinguish the fire until the civil defense arrived, but all these attempts were unsuccessful and God’s destiny and its destiny. As for some of the motivated or hired mouths that take advantage of every occasion or an incident in this country to employ them in favor of suspicious goals and drawn agendas and release accusations that are not related to reality and the investigations are preceded. Whoever begs himself to spread such poisoned and suspicious ideas.

She said: The honorable father, Majdi Al -Alawi, is the son of the town of Al -Muaisra and what affects him, which affects all the people of the town, and that the honorable father, Magdi Al -Alawi, and several statements, praised and thanked the municipality and the people of Al -Ma’isra for standing by his side in this misfortune and asked everyone not to accuse anyone and wait for the end of the investigations. The municipality of Al -Ma’isra calls on all parties in the homeland, including politicians and media, to visit the town and the village of man in it to determine the truth of what we mentioned.

She concluded: The town of Al -Ma’isra and its people will remain an example to be followed in coexistence, and we will not allow anyone to obtain from this value that has been established for hundreds of years. We thank God and praise Him for the safety of the Honorable Father Majdi Al -Alawi and his family, and we pray to God to compensate for him with the best and we pray to God Almighty to protect our homeland Lebanon from all the temptations and conspiracies that he plans in the dark rooms.

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