Lebanon today »Video: The sky is rained spiders

Videos spread on social media have documented hundreds of spiders from the sky in the town of Sao Tommy Das for a terrace in the Brazilian state of Minas Great.

The users of the media likened to the fall of snow chips, but with “8 real ends” instead of snow.
According to the newspaper “Daily Mail”, the scene sparked the horror and amazement of many, and biologists and spiders were quick to explain this strange phenomenon.

Experts say that these spiders were involved in collective mating rituals, as they form a giant spider network to reproduce, standing on high surfaces such as trees and launching silk threads in the air. And when the wind picks up these threads, the spiders are raised in the air, allowing them to move from one place to another.
Sometimes, large numbers of spiders gather in the same place, especially during the mating seasons, and when they release their strands at the same time, the scene appears as if “the sky is raining spiders”.
This phenomenon is more common in hot and humid airspace, as light winds help carry spiders for longer distances.


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