Lebanon today »The Minister of Culture inspected the House of Silk in Farakeh

The Minister of Culture, Muhammad Wissam Al -Murtada, the House of Harir, was among his cultural tour in the village of Al -Freqa in the northern Matn.

Al -Murtada had previously issued a decision to agree to the establishment of a public library in this historic place, whose construction dates back to the beginning of the nineteenth century, and it was a factory for the silk industry owned by Faris al -Rihani, the father of the writer Amin al -Rihani, before it was bought by the director Munir Abu Dabs (Abu the Lebanese Theater), to be transferred to him The modern theater school that he founded in Beirut in the year 1960, which produced the most important representatives of Lebanon, turned it into a theater and presented his plays from 1997 until his departure in the year 2016, among the festivals of the cultural freezer.

The chosenness of Al -Frekah Giselle Hashem presented a honorary shield designed by the artist Bernard Ghusoub to Minister Al -Murtada, to thank the name of the people of Al -Farake for everything he gave to Lebanon in general and for the Faraka in particular.

Makram Ghassoub presented to the Minister Bassem Ibn Al -late Munir Abu Dabs, Jill, who is in France, a group of Abu Dibs books.

Al -Murtada suggested that this place, in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture, and with the preservation of its heritage and historical nature, to be transformed into a cultural complex, by reviving the Farake festivals, establishing a literary salon that brings together the writers of the northern text, and activating the cultural cafe that occupies part of the place.

The minister also asked those concerned to prepare a file on Wadi Al -Freqa to work to protect him from the risk of distortion and destruction. The solemn and beautiful valley is the land of revelation, as described by Amin al -Rihani, the valley, which Mai Ziada visited in its beginnings, after I looked at Al -Rayhaniyyat, then she lived on his borders after Rihani saved her and removed her from the Al -Majanin Hospital, the valley who asked Gibran from Al -Rihani in the year 1912 in which he mentioned it. The torment of exile is humiliated and relieves the pain of the diaspora and dimensions.

Then the minister continued his tour of Al -Frekah with a visit to the pioneers of the press in the Diaspora, Naoum, Makarzel, and the Museum of Tawfiq Asaad Daher to the largest figures in the world made of sulfur sticks.

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