We will not stand idly by any decision targeting our rights

The students of the Higher Institute of PhD at the Lebanese University issued the following statement:

We, students of the Higher Institute of Doctorate at the Lebanese University, are following with great concern about the news about the Prime Minister in charge of restricting the nominations of ministerial positions in the American University of Beirut graduates (AUB), the Jesuit University (USJ), or Western universities, and excluding graduates of the Lebanese University. Although this decision is not officially confirmed, we consider it, in the event of its validity, unacceptable discrimination and a clear violation of the principle of equal opportunities and social justice.

We affirm that the Lebanese University is not just a national university, but rather one of the most prestigious academic institutions in the Arab and international world, according to international classifications, the university is considered superior to many private, local and even western universities. It includes a group of prestigious professors and researchers, and contributes to the production of advanced scientific research, as well as being the primary tributary of national cadres in various fields.

Thousands of graduates occupy leadership positions inside and outside Lebanon, which proves that the merit is not determined in the name of the university, but rather with efficiency and scientific and professional experience.

We also confirm that the marginalization of its graduates in this unjustified way harms the credibility of the government process and enhances patronage instead of efficiency.

Accordingly, we demand:

1. An official and immediate clarification of the Prime Minister in charge of the authenticity of these news, because ignoring the issue exacerbates fears and shakes the confidence of the Lebanese with government decisions.

2. Obliging the government to adopt efficiency standards, not the university from which the candidates graduate, to prevent any unjustified educational discrimination.

3. Emphasizing that the Lebanese University is not less important than any other university, but rather excels in many fields, and has priority in representing the Lebanese state.

In conclusion, we affirm that we, as students of the Higher Institute of Doctorate at the Lebanese University, will not stand idly by in front of any decision targeting our rights and our academic and vocational future, therefore, in the event that we do not obtain a clear official response, the students of the Lebanese University and its graduates reassure, we will resort to all legitimate means of protest movements and sit -ins. , To legal escalation, in defense of our right to equality and justice.

The Lebanese University will remain a pioneering national and scientific edifice, and any attempt to marginalize it or reduce its categorical rejection, and will not go unnoticed.

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