One person was killed.. Security forces reveal the details of the Al-Zahriyah crime

The General Directorate of Internal Security Forces – Public Relations Division issued the following statement:

On 12-22-2024, in the Al-Zahria area – Tripoli, two unidentified persons riding a motorbike opened fire on the so-called: M. for. (Born in 1996, Lebanese) While he was inside his car, he was shot in the abdomen, as a result of which he was transported to the hospital. He soon died from his wounds, while the shooters fled to an unknown destination. Immediately after the crime occurred, the news spread in the city of Tripoli via social media, and led to increasing calls from citizens to quickly uncover the circumstances of the crime to prevent any problems or repercussions.


Orders were given to units of the Internal Security Forces to carry out field and investigative procedures in the vicinity of the crime scene, to uncover its circumstances, identify those involved, and arrest them.
As a result of the investigations and investigations carried out by the Information Division, it was able to know their identities, and they are:
A. Oh. (Born in 2003, Lebanese)
A. Sh. (Born in 2000, Lebanese)
On 12-31-2024, after careful monitoring and control, one of the Division’s patrols was able to arrest the first in Al-Zahriyah.
During his interrogation, he admitted that while he was accompanying his uncle (A.S.) to the Al-Zahriyah neighborhood on a motorbike that he had borrowed – for the purpose of going for a ride – from a friend of his, the latter opened fire on the victim and killed him, without knowing his intention to shoot.
On 01-01-2025, the second surrendered himself to one of the division’s patrols. When he was interrogated, he admitted to shooting the victim as a result of a previous dispute between them, following a collision that developed, at the time, into a conflict.
The legal requirements were carried out against them and the relevant authority was filed, based on the reference of the competent judiciary.

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