Gemayel: We did not neglect anyone and extended the hand of partnership under the law and the constitution

The head of the Lebanese Phalange Party, Representative Sami Gemayel, announced today, Tuesday, that deception is when someone commits to something and abandons his promise. We did not promise anyone anything from here. We do not understand what the agreement was and with whom it was. We do not understand what the agreement is and what the deception is. We were not deceived. We did not promise anyone anything, and the democratic path took its course.


Gemayel continued, in his speech in Arabic, that perhaps the other team had become accustomed 30 years ago to nothing happening in Lebanon except through imposition, and we did not exclude anyone, but rather they excluded themselves and considered that there was exclusion while we extended the hand of partnership under the roof of the law, sovereignty and constitution.

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