The President of the Republic’s speech is strategic and important, but the lesson is in the implementation!

Representative Ali Khreis announced today, Sunday, that we are waiting for two months to pass until the Israeli enemy withdraws from the entire territory. It is not permissible and unacceptable for it to remain even at some points, and we warn against it remaining at any point. This is in the name of the international community and in the name of the United Nations and the Council of Representatives. Security is in our plan, in the plan of the state, and in the plan of His Excellency the President of the Republic and the government that may be formed in the near future.

Khreis continued from the town of Al-Bazouriyah: The South has proven to the whole world that it is the South of steadfastness, sacrifice, and martyrs. We learned from a great school, the school of the Imam, the leader, Mr. Musa Al-Sadr, how to build and how to establish, and we learned that this country is the final homeland for all its people. This is the saying that has become at the forefront. The Lebanese constitution was launched by Imam Musa al-Sadr more than five decades ago.

He added: He also taught us that the best aspect of war with the Israeli enemy is internal civil peace. He taught us to preserve this national unity, which is the salvation of Lebanon, and division cannot exist between us. He is the one who taught us that Israel is an absolute evil and dealing with it is forbidden. He is the one who said that if Israel… If I occupy the south, I will take off my robe and become a guerrilla.

Khreis pointed out that this stage may be one of the most difficult and most dangerous stages that our country, our nation, and our people are passing through. This stage must be faced with true unity, unity of position, and a clear vision.

He explained that Israel today is still occupying parts of our land, especially in the front villages, and we are the ones who agreed and accepted it through the effort and through the role played by Prime Minister Nabih Berri. We agreed to International Resolution 1701, and there are countries that sponsored this agreement. We say today to these countries. To the United States of America and to France, where are you with what is happening today and what is happening in the land of the south in terms of bombing and systematic destruction of homes and in front of the eyes of the United Nations, the Security Council and the sponsoring countries? Where is the position that will stop this enemy from what it is doing today?

He continued: We call on the international community and we call on the United Nations and the Security Council, but if this enemy remains occupying parts of our land, we cannot remain silent about this occupation, no matter the cost, and today we are in a new era and we have taken an important and essential step at the national level, which is electing a president. New to the Republic, General Joseph Aoun, considering that this step is very important and expresses an internal consensus in order to get Lebanon out of its crisis, and this what happened is a victory for all of Lebanon, and the second step is It is necessary to form a government as quickly as possible, and tomorrow, Monday, the binding parliamentary consultations conducted by the President of the Republic will begin, and at the end of the day a new president will be assigned to form a government that can carry out its duty.

Khreis concluded: In his speech, the President of the Republic spoke about basic and very important issues and points, and we say that this speech is a strategic speech and an important speech, but the lesson is in the implementation.

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